Fee Withdrawal Policy Classifier

Added On:  10/11/13 
Module:  UniCore 
Type:  Classifier  Status:  Active 

Available Values:

DD - Deduction
Added On:  10/11/13
Status:  Active
Indicates that withdrawal of fees will be deducted as a part of remittance.
WD - Withdrawal
Added On:  10/11/13
Status:  Active
Indicates that withdrawal of fees will be deducted either from the same deposit account or from a separate bank account that was designated by the merchant for withholding of the fees.
DC - Deduction Conditional
Added On:  12/02/13
Status:  Active
Automatically switches on if initially merchant funding policy type was withdrawal, and while trying to withdraw fees from merchant account, returns file was received for the second time. Such case leads to hold of the account. It can be canceled by a user by unchecking Hold Enabled checkbox on UI.