
Type:  Struct
Abstract:  no
Status:  Active
Configuration settings for Cards Realtime processing through Elavon
Group: System
Type: String(60)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Type
Attributes: Constant, Required, Default: cards-realtime/elavon-viaconex4
Default Value: cards-realtime/elavon-viaconex4
Type of the Provider Profile.
Type of the Provider Profile.
Group: System
Type: Boolean
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Is Active
Attributes: Default: true
Default Value: true
Indicates whether the record is active in the system.
Group: System
Type: String(10)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Account Processing Policy
Attributes: Required, Default: VMXD——*U
Default Value: VMXD——*U
Type of processing policy for the account.
Group: System
XML Representation: element
Attributes: Default: D
Default Value: D
Group: System
Type: Boolean
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Profile.Is Debit Card Processing Enabled
Attributes: Default: false
Default Value: false
Indicates whether debit cards processing is possible using this profile.
Group: System
Type: Integer
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Profile.Authorization Expiration Period
The number of days from the transaction request day that the unconfirmed authorization can remain unreversed even if settlement process occurs. When settlement happens and the transaction authorization period is not being reached (transaction is not expired), transaction is transfered into the next retail cycle.
Number of days during which an authorization can remain unsettled. When the value is greater than 0, any un-captured (unconfirmed) transactions will not be reversed until the expiration period is reached.

Note: the value of the expiration period cannot exceed the lifetime of an authorization allowed by the processor that was used to get it.
Group: Payment Facilitator
Type: String(11)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Payment Facilitator Id
Group: Payment Facilitator
Type: String(4)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Vendor ID
Attributes: Required, Default: 2323
Default Value: 2323
This value is assigned by the Vendor Certification Department of ELAVON.

This number is an alphanumeric value and should be capitalized. All Vendor Certification Device Types are value of "Z".
Group: Payment Facilitator
Type: String(4)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Destination Number
Attributes: Required, Default: 0225
Default Value: 0225
The Country Code of the destination address.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: Boolean
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Is Test Mode
Attributes: Default: false
Default Value: false
Indicates that this transaction should be processed in test mode, when it is handled by the processor.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String(6)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Bank Nbr
Attributes: Required, Default: 123456
Default Value: 123456
This six digit fixed length value is assigned by Elavon.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String(25)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Merchant DBA Name
Attributes: Required
Merchant DBA override data.

This value contains the “Doing Business As” name override data from the merchant. If this value is not present, then Elavon will use the DBA name on file.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String(25)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Institution Name
Attributes: Required
User assigned.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: Enum
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Authorization Currency Code CL
Represents the type of currency used for authorization.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: Enum
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Capture Currency Code CL
Represents the type of currency used for capture.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: Boolean
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Is File Renaming Required
Attributes: Default: true
Default Value: true
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String(30)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Merchant Street Address
Attributes: Required
Street of the mailing address for the merchant.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String(13)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Merchant City
Attributes: Required
City of the mailing address for the merchant.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String(2)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Merchant Country Code
Attributes: Required
Country code of the mailing address for the merchant.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String(2)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Merchant State
Attributes: Required
State of the mailing address for the merchant.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String(9)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Merchant Zip Code
Attributes: Required
Postal code (ZIP code) of the mailing address for the merchant.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Descriptor
Type: String(21)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Descriptor
Catalogue name/product type/installment information.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Descriptor
Type: String(3)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Descriptor Prefix
Attributes: Default: DF3
Default Value: DF3
Abbreviated corporate name.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Descriptor
Type: String(10)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Customer Service Number
Attributes: Required, Default: 5002214498
Default Value: 5002214498
Customer service telephone number.
Group: Settings
SubGroup: Retail
Type: String(15)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Retail Merchant ID
Retail merchant identification number. Provided by the processor.
Group: Settings
SubGroup: Retail
Type: String(16)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Retail Terminal Nbr
This sixteen digit fixed length value is assigned by Elavon.

Identifies a processing device associated to a Point of Sale division. This is not a required Format Indicator for retail transactions, but should be provided if possible to meet association rules and qualify for the best interchange rates.
Terminal override field.
For this processor, this field corresponds to the field Processor Terminal ID. If terminal processing is supported with this integration, the value of this field will be taken from Terminal table.
Group: Settings
SubGroup: MOTO
Type: String(15)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.MOTO Merchant ID
MOTO merchant identification number. Provided by the processor.
Group: Settings
SubGroup: MOTO
Type: String(16)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Moto Terminal Nbr
This sixteen digit fixed length value is assigned by Elavon.

The terminal identification number is used to uniquely identify the Merchant and their financial institution to Elavon. The Terminal ID consists of two parts and is assigned by Elavon for each POS device.
Terminal override field.
For this processor, this field corresponds to the field Processor Terminal ID. If terminal processing is supported with this integration, the value of this field will be taken from Terminal table.
Group: Settings
SubGroup: eCommerce
Type: String(15)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Ecommerce Merchant ID
Ecommerce merchant identification number. Provided by the processor.
Group: Settings
SubGroup: eCommerce
Type: String(16)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Ecommerce Terminal Nbr
This sixteen digit fixed length value is assigned by Elavon.

The terminal identification number is used to uniquely identify the Merchant and their financial institution to Elavon. The Terminal ID consists of two parts and is assigned by Elavon for each POS device.
Terminal override field.
For this processor, this field corresponds to the field Processor Terminal ID. If terminal processing is supported with this integration, the value of this field will be taken from Terminal table.
Group: Settings
SubGroup: Restaurant
Type: String(15)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Restaurant Merchant ID
Restaurant merchant identification number. Provided by the processor.
Group: Settings
SubGroup: Restaurant
Type: String(16)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Restaurant Terminal NBR
This variable length value is assigned by Elavon and has a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 16.

The terminal identification number is used to uniquely identify the Merchant and their financial institution to Elavon. The Terminal ID consists of two parts and is assigned by Elavon for each POS device.
Terminal override field.
For this processor, this field corresponds to the field Processor Terminal ID. If terminal processing is supported with this integration, the value of this field will be taken from Terminal table.
Group: Authorization
Type: String(2)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Key Pointer CL
Attributes: Required, Default: TD
Default Value: TD
Enumeration of key pointer values for Elavon.
Group: Authorization
Type: String(30)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Primary Connection Type
Attributes: Constant, Required, Default: HTTPS
Default Value: HTTPS
Type of connectivity to use to exchange messages/files with a processor.
Group: Authorization
Type: String(160)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Http Host
Attributes: Required, Default: https://testgate.viaconex.com/cgi-bin/encompass4.cgi
Default Value: https://testgate.viaconex.com/cgi-bin/encompass4.cgi
Host to be used for HTTPs based connectivity.
Group: Authorization
Type: String(20)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Elavon Profile.Reg Key
Attributes: Required, Default: 8ABCD0004355
Default Value: 8ABCD0004355
Required in all Scripts sent to the Elavon Host for processing and will be sent as a HTTP Header Field in the Post request.

Notes: The Registration Key should be sent as an HTTP Header field.

The NOVA_PORTAL_FAKE_KEY is only used to send transactions to the Elavon development host and cannot be used to send traffic to production hosts. A production Registration Key will be assigned by the Certification Department after certification is complete and is 20 characters long.
Group: Settlement
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String(30)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Secondary Connection Type
Attributes: Constant, Required, Default: SFTP
Default Value: SFTP
Secondary/additional type of connectivity used to exchange messages/files with a provider. The value is used when more than one protocol is involved in communication process (for example, real time authorization and batch settlement).
Group: Settlement
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String(100)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.FTP Host
Attributes: Required, Default: sftp.novainfo.net
Default Value: sftp.novainfo.net
Host used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.
Group: Settlement
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: Integer
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.FTP Port
Attributes: Required, Default: 22
Default Value: 22
Port used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.
Group: Settlement
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String(50)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Username
Attributes: Required, Default: Sample User
Default Value: Sample User
Username used for HTTPs based connectivity.
Group: Settlement
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String(100)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Password
Attributes: Encrypted, Default: Sample Password
Default Value: Sample Password
Password used for HTTPs based connectivity.
Group: Settlement
SubGroup: Path
Type: String(100)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Outbox
Attributes: Default: inbox
Default Value: inbox
Location from which response files are downloaded for processing. If value is not defined, the responses are downloaded from the upload location.
Group: Settlement
SubGroup: Path
Type: String(100)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Inbox
Attributes: Default: outbox
Default Value: outbox
Location where files are uploaded for processing.
Group: Settlement
SubGroup: SSH
Type: String(100)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SSH Private Key File Name
Attributes: Default: Sample PrivateKey.ssh
Default Value: Sample PrivateKey.ssh
Name of the private SSH key to be used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity (for sFTP communication)
Group: Settlement
SubGroup: SSH
Type: String(100)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SSH Pass Phrase
Attributes: Encrypted, Default: Sample Phrase
Default Value: Sample Phrase
Passphrase of the private SSH key used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.
Group: System
Type: Enum
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Profile.Supported Credit Policy Cl
Attributes: Required, Default: CR
Default Value: CR
Represents the type of credit policy supported for this profile.

XML Sample:

( ! ) Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/html/unidoc/profile.php on line 31
Call Stack
10.0003322568{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0046739232include( '/var/www/html/unidoc/profile.php' ).../index.php:327
31.17911673584toSample( ).../profile.php:879
41.17911673960loadFields( ).../profile.php:76
51.17921674696mysql_fetch_array ( ).../profile.php:31


JSON Sample:


XURL Sample:
