
Type:  Struct
Abstract:  no
Status:  Active
Configuration settings for cards realtime Spindle profile.
Avalible Field Groups:
Group: System
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
Attributes: Constant, Required, Default: cards-realtime/spindle
Default Value: cards-realtime/spindle
Group: System
Type: Boolean
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Is Active
Attributes: Default: true
Default Value: true
Indicates whether the record is active in the system.
Group: System
Type: String(10)
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Account Processing Policy
Attributes: Required, Default: VMXD——*U
Default Value: VMXD——*U
Type of processing policy for the account.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.CID
Attributes: Required, Default: sampleCustomerId
Default Value: sampleCustomerId
Your Spindle CID. This will be assigned to you.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.SID
Attributes: Required, Default: sampleSiteId
Default Value: sampleSiteId
Your Spindle SID. This will be assigned to you.
SID must be stored internally from the calling web/terminal/mobile device for later use. SID must be passed at all times.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.Merchant ID
Attributes: Default: sampleMerchantID
Default Value: sampleMerchantID
The newly generated Merchant ID.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.Merchant Name
Attributes: Default: sampleMerchantName
Default Value: sampleMerchantName
The name of the merchant assigned to MID (Merchant ID).
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.Username
Attributes: Required, Default: sampleUser
Default Value: sampleUser
Your Spindle Username.
Username of the user trying to generate a session attempt.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.Password
Attributes: Required, Encrypted, Default: samplePassword
Default Value: samplePassword
Your Spindle Password.
The password of the primary user/owner of merchant account.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.Address1
Attributes: Default: sampleMerchantAddress1
Default Value: sampleMerchantAddress1
The contact address of the primary/owner of merchant account.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.Address2
Attributes: Default: sampleMerchantAddress2
Default Value: sampleMerchantAddress2
The contact address of the primary/owner of merchant account. This line is optional for additional address information.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.City
Attributes: Default: sampleMerchantCity
Default Value: sampleMerchantCity
The contact address city of the primary/owner of merchant account.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.State
Attributes: Default: CA
Default Value: CA
The contact address state of the primary/owner of merchant account.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.Postal Code
Attributes: Default: 12345
Default Value: 12345
The contact address postal code of the primary/owner of merchant account (ZIP Code).
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Descriptor
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.Phone
Attributes: Default: 5002214498
Default Value: 5002214498
The phone number of the merchant company. The phone number must be sent in this format ###-###-#### (hyphens are not required).
Group: Authorization
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Primary Connection Type
Attributes: Default: Spindle
Default Value: Spindle
Type of connectivity to use to exchange messages/files with a processor.
Group: Authorization
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Http Host
Attributes: Required, Default: https://staging.spindleapi.com/1
Default Value: https://staging.spindleapi.com/1
Host to be used for HTTPs based connectivity.
Group: Authorization
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Retail Spindle Profile.Private Key
Attributes: Required, Encrypted, Default: sampleKey
Default Value: sampleKey
The private key of the account created for merchant. Only apples to eCommerce accounts, otherwise null. Private Key is encrypted using the private key of the account calling the BoardMerchant function.

XML Sample:

( ! ) Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/html/unidoc/profile.php on line 31
Call Stack
10.0003322568{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0047739232include( '/var/www/html/unidoc/profile.php' ).../index.php:327
31.20561439424toSample( ).../profile.php:879
41.20561439800loadFields( ).../profile.php:76
51.20571440536mysql_fetch_array ( ).../profile.php:31


JSON Sample:


XURL Sample:
