
Type:  Struct
Abstract:  no
Status:  Active
Configuration settings for ACH processing through PaymentechSaylem
Avalible Field Groups:
Group: System
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
Attributes: Constant, Required, Default: ach/paymentech-salem
Default Value: ach/paymentech-salem
Group: System
Type: Boolean
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Is Active
Attributes: Default: true
Default Value: true
Indicates whether the record is active in the system.
Group: System
Type: Boolean
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Is Credit Enabled
Attributes: Default: true
Default Value: true
Indicates whether the credit operation is allowed.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Eft Paymentech Orbital Profile.Merchant Id
Attributes: Required, Default: 123456
Default Value: 123456
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Eft Paymentech Orbital Profile.Terminal Id
Attributes: Required, Default: 123
Default Value: 123
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Eft Paymentech Orbital Profile.Country Code
Attributes: Required, Default: CA
Default Value: CA
Group: Submission (Payments)
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.FTP Host
Attributes: Required, Default: localhost
Default Value: localhost
Host used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.
Group: Submission (Payments)
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: Integer
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.FTP Port
Attributes: Required, Default: 22
Default Value: 22
Port used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.
Group: Submission (Payments)
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Username
Attributes: Required, Default: user2000
Default Value: user2000
Username used for HTTPs based connectivity.
Group: Submission (Payments)
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Password
Attributes: Required, Encrypted, Default: pass789!
Default Value: pass789!
Password used for HTTPs based connectivity.
Group: Submission (Payments)
SubGroup: SSH
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SSH Private Key File Name
Attributes: Default: key.ppk
Default Value: key.ppk
Name of the private SSH key to be used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity (for sFTP communication)
Group: Submission (Payments)
SubGroup: SSH
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SSH Pass Phrase
Attributes: Encrypted, Default: pass789!
Default Value: pass789!
Passphrase of the private SSH key used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.
Group: Submission (Payments)
SubGroup: PGP
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Encryption Public Key File Name
Attributes: Required, Default: key.asc
Default Value: key.asc
Name of the public PGP key of a processor that should be used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity. The key is used to decrypt processor's response files.
Group: Submission (Payments)
SubGroup: PGP
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Encryption Private Key File Name
Attributes: Required, Default: key.asc
Default Value: key.asc
Name of the private PGP key to be used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity. The key is used to encrypt outgoing files.
Group: Submission (Payments)
SubGroup: PGP
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Encryption Pass Phrase
Attributes: Required, Encrypted, Default: pass789!
Default Value: pass789!
Passphrase of the private PGP key used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity. The key is used to encrypt outgoing files.
Group: Submission (Payments)
SubGroup: PGP
Type: Date
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Encryption Expiration Date
Expiration date of the private PGP key used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.
Group: Submission (Returns)
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP Host
Attributes: Required, Default: localhost
Default Value: localhost
Host used for SMTP based connectivity.
Group: Submission (Returns)
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: Integer
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP Port
Attributes: Required, Default: 22
Default Value: 22
Port used for SMTP based connectivity.
Group: Submission (Returns)
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP Username
Attributes: Required, Default: user2000
Default Value: user2000
Username used for SMTP based connectivity.
Group: Submission (Returns)
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP Password
Attributes: Required, Encrypted, Default: pass789!
Default Value: pass789!
Password used for SMTP based connectivity.
Group: Submission (Returns)
SubGroup: SSH
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP From
Attributes: Default: key.ppk
Default Value: key.ppk
List of From address used for SMTP based connectivity.
Group: Submission (Returns)
SubGroup: SSH
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SSL Password
Attributes: Encrypted, Default: pass789!
Default Value: pass789!
Password on the SSL certificate used for HTTP/HTTPs based communication.

XML Sample:

( ! ) Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/html/unidoc/profile.php on line 31
Call Stack
10.0006322568{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.1253739232include( '/var/www/html/unidoc/profile.php' ).../index.php:327
31.56121474528toSample( ).../profile.php:879
41.56121474904loadFields( ).../profile.php:76
51.56131475640mysql_fetch_array ( ).../profile.php:31


JSON Sample:


XURL Sample:
