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Reviewing transaction request/response log

Version: V5.2.0
Added on: 01/15/16
Time: 15 min
Category: Tutorials

Reviewing transaction request/response log

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to review request and response logs for a transaction submitted via API using Transaction form or System perspective.

    Note that any sensitive data including password, account number, expiration date and CSC code are not stored in these logs.

    We will use the following parameters:
    Date: 10/01/2024 - 10/03/2024
    Credit Card # (last 4 digits): 2229
    Type: Sale
    Username: jsmith
    Terminal Code: 005
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. You can locate a transaction request and response logs using the View Log button, which is available at the following places:

    • Perspective => Console => Transactions => List => View Transaction => View Log
    • Perspective => Management => Merchant Perspective => Processing => Transactions => View Transaction => View Log
    • Perspective => Administration => Monitoring Perspective => Transactions => View Transaction => View Log
    • Perspective => Administration => System Perspective => Logs => View Logs => Transactions Logs List => View Log

    You can choose any place you like.
  4. Firstly, let's learn how to review transaction request and response logs using Transaction form, which is available on Console perspective, Merchant perspective and Monitoring perspective.
  5. Select appropriate Merchant or Merchant Account in the top left section of the screen.
  6. Click   Transactionsbutton in the top section of the screen.

    Note: On Merchant pespective, Transactions section can be found under Processing button.
  7. Locate     
  8. Enter 10/01/2024 - 10/03/2024 into the Datedatebox
  9. Enter 2229 into the Credit Card #textbox
  10. Select Sale in Typedropdown
  11. Click   Findbutton
  12. Locate     
  13. Click next to an appropriate transaction.
  14. Locate   View Transaction  groupbox
  15. Click   View Logbutton
  16. Choose Sale menu item from the list to review logs associated with sale transaction.
  17. Choose   View Request  menu item  to review request log associated with the selected sale transation.
  18. Choose   View Response  menu item  to review response log associated with the selected sale transation.
  19. Next, let's learn how to review transaction request and response logs using Transaction Logs form, which is available on System perspective.
  20. Click   Logsbutton in the top section of the screen.
  21. Choose   View Logs  menu item  from the list.
  22. Locate   Transaction Logs Search  groupbox
  23. Enter 10/01/2024 - 10/03/2024 into the Create Date/Timedatebox
  24. Enter jsmith into the User Nametextbox to review all transactions made by this customer for a selected date range.
  25. Locate   Merchant Account  textbox and enter appropriate Merchant or Merchant Account value.
  26. Enter 005 into the Terminal Codetextbox to review all transactions associated with a selected terminal.
  27. Click   Findbutton . Result of your search should now be visible on the screen.
  28. Locate   Transactions Logs List  groupbox and find the transaction you want to review logs for.
  29. Click   View Requestbutton to review request log associated with the selected transation.
  30. Click   View Responsebutton to review response log associated with the selected transation.
  31. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to review transaction request and response logs. Now you can do this by yourself.

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