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Reviewing split transactions

Version: V6.2.0
Added on: 04/26/17
Time: 15 min
Category: Tutorials

Prerequisite Tutorials

Name Added On Difficulty Time Required Description
How to locate a transaction 09/17/14 15 mins This easy tutorial will give you knowledge about how to locate a transaction using a date range.
How to locate a merchant statement 09/23/14 15 mins This tutorial will give you knowledge how to locate a merchant statement.
Creating an affiliate 04/27/17 30 mins This tutorial will teach you how to create a new affiliate.

Useful Terms

Reviewing split transactions

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to review transactions associated with split payments such as split-in/split-out transactions and original transaction that was split. For this purpose, we will locate and review these transactions using the Transactions/View Transaction forms and review merchant statements that include information about split payments. To learn more about split-in/split-out transactions, review this link

    We will use the following parameters:

    Transaction date: 07/01/2017 - 07/05/2017
    Statement date: 07/01/2017 - 07/05/2017
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. First, let's learn how to locate split-in and split-out transactions using Transactions form.
  4. You can locate transaction using Transactions form, which is available at the following places:

    • Perspective => Console Perspective => Transactions
    • Perspective => Management => Merchant Perspective => Processing => Transactions
    • Perspective => Administration => Monitoring Perspective => Transactions

    You can choose any place you like.
  5. Select appropriate Merchant or Merchant Account in the top left section of the screen.
  6. Click   Transactionsbutton
    Note: On Merchant perspective, Transactions section can be found under Processing button, on Monitoring perspective - under Transactions button.
  7. Choose   List  menu item  from the list.
  8. Locate   Transaction Search  groupbox
  9. Enter 10/01/2024 and 10/03/2024 into the Datedatebox
  10. Locate   Type  dropdown and click on it.
  11. Locate split section.
  12. Select split-in or split-out in Typedropdown depending on a type of a transaction you want to review.
  13. Click   Findbutton
  14. Locate   Transaction List  groupbox
  15. Now let's learn how to review the details of split-in/split-out transactions associated with an original transaction that was split. First, we will locate an original transaction, then, we will review split-in/split-out transaction related to it.
  16. To learn how to locate a transaction review How to locate a transaction tutorial.
  17. Click   View Transactionbutton next to the transaction you want to review.
  18. Locate   Split Transactions  groupbox
  19. Click   View Split-Out/Pull-Out Transactionbutton to review the details of with a particular split-out transaction. This is the case for sale transaction, for credit

    transaction there will be available View Split-In Transaction button.
  20. Now, let's learn how to review the details about split-in and split-out transactions in a merchant statement.
  21. You can locate a merchant statement, using Statements form, which is available at the following places:

    • Perspective => Console Perspective => Statements
    • Perspective => Management => Merchant Perspective => Remittance
    • Perspective => Administration => Monitoring Perspective => Statements

    You can choose any place you like.
  22. Select appropriate Merchant or Merchant Account in the top left section of the screen.
  23. Click   Remittancebutton

    Note: On Merchant pespective, Statements section can be found under Remittance button.
  24. Enter 10/01/2024 and 10/03/2024 into the End Datedatebox
  25. Click   Find button
  26. Locate   Merchant Statement List  groupbox
  27. Click   View Merchant Statementbutton next to the statement you need to want to review.
  28. Locate   Statement Detail  groupbox
  29. Locate Splits section to review details about split transactions.
  30. Click View Transactiongroupbox next to the transaction you want to review.
  31. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to locate and review split transactions. Now you can do this by yourself.
