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How to locate a transaction

Version: V3.2.7662
Added on: 09/17/14
Time: 15 min
Category: Quick Guides

Prerequisite Tutorials

Name Added On Difficulty Time Required Description
How to create a sale 06/04/14 15 mins This tutorial will teach you how to create a new payment.

How to locate a transaction

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to locate a transaction created within a particular a date range.

    We will use the following parameters:
    From Date: 10/01/2024
    To Date: 10/03/2024
    Type: Sale
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. You can locate transaction using Transaction form, which is available at the following places:

    • Perspective => Console Perspective => Transactions
    • Perspective => Management => Merchant Perspective => Processing => Transactions
    • Perspective => Administration => Monitoring Perspective => Transactions

    You can choose any place you like.
  4. Select appropriate Merchant or Merchant Account in the top left section of the screen.
  5. Click   Transactionsbutton in the top section of the screen.

    Note: On Merchant pespective, Transactions section can be found under Processing button, on Monitoring perspective - under Transactions button.
  6. Choose   List  menu item  from the list.
  7. Locate   Transaction Search  groupbox
  8. Enter 10/01/2024 and 10/03/2024 into the Datedatebox
  9. Select Sale in Typedropdown
  10. Click   Findbutton
  11. Locate   Transaction List  groupbox
  12. Locate   Status  column to check the transaction status.
  13. Click   View Transactionbutton next to the transaction you need to look through the transaction details.
  14. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to locate a transaction. Let's proceed with generating transaction export report.

Related Tutorials

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How to generate transaction export report 05/21/14 15 mins This tutorial will help you to make the export of transactions without any difficulties.
