R | Payment card (debit or credit) |
C | Checking |
S | Savings |
CCD | Corporate credit or debit |
PPD | Prearranged payment and deposit entry |
TEL | Telephone initiated entry |
WEB | Internet initiayed entry |
C21 | Check 21 |
FF | Franchising fee |
P | Person |
O | Organization (Corporation) |
DM | Direct marketing |
EC | Ecommerce |
VC | Visa credit card |
VD | Visa debit card |
MC | MasterCard credit card |
MD | MasterCard debit card |
DC | Discover credit card |
DD | Discover debit card |
AC | AmEx credit card |
NC | Diners credit card |
BD | Bank debit card |
BC | Checking account |
BS | Savings account |
VP | Visa prepaid card |
VS | Visa fleet card |
MP | MasterCard prepaid card |
MF | MasterCard fleet card |
EF | EBT food stamp |
EC | EBT cash benefit |
GG | General gift card |
FL | Fleet One card |
GF | Fuelman or FleetWide card |
VF | Voyager fleet card |
WX | WEX fleet card |
VE | Visa debit checking account |
VV | Visa debit saving account |
UC | UnionPay credit card |
UD | UnionPay debit card |
S | Sale (operation used to withdraw specific amount of money from the supplied credit card or bank account) |
C | Credit (operation used to deposit (return) specific amount of money to the supplied credit card or bank account) |
D | Sale decline (sale transaction that got declined) |
X | Credit decline (credit transaction that got declined) |
E | Error (transaction that did not go through an internal validation of the gateway and was not sent for further processing) |
B | Blacklist (transaction, which has not been processed, as the account is in the blacklist due to the previous hard decline) |
N | Return (represents direct debit payment that is not honored by a bank) |
G | Chargeback (operation of reversal of a prior outbound transfer of funds from a customer's bank account or credit card) |
R | Reversal (operation where credit card chargeback is reversed - money is given back to the merchant or customer) |
U | Notice of change (represents direct debit transaction that is returned by the customer's bank as a notification that some details of the transaction were corrected) |
J | Reject (direct debit payment that is rejected by the bank due to insufficient funds or errors in payment order) |