Name | Added On | Difficulty | Time Required | Description |
How to locate a sub-batch for review | 11/25/15 | 30 mins | In this tutorial you will learn how to locate a sub-batch for review and further approval. |
SELECT id FROM charge_transaction WHERE sub_batch_fk = 1234 AND response_code IN ('A01', 'A05') AND remaining_amount > 0
SELECT id, request_date, merchant_account_code, amount/100 amount, response_code, response_message, original_reference_number original transactionId, account_number_masked account number, account_accessory_masked account accessory, transaction_memo memo, customer_account_code, first_name, last_name FROM charge_transaction WHERE request_date BETWEEN '2018-11-01' AND '2018-11-01' AND transaction_memo = 'batch refund issued'
Name | Added On | Difficulty | Time Required | Description |
How to issue a refund | 09/17/14 | 15 mins | This tutorial will give you knowledge how to issue a refund to a customer in cases when either there is no original transaction that you should be refunded or you only want to do a partial refund. For full transaction refunding tutorial, use How to void/refund a transaction tutorial. |