Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
S001 | Good | The transaction was successful with information. Refer to message for more detail. | A01 |
S000 | Good | Successful Transaction. | A01 |
S000 | Good | The transaction was successful. | A01 |
S001 | Good | No message. This status applies when transactions are currently being processed by TSYS Express. The transaction was successful with information. Refer to message for more detail. | A02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
S001 | Good | The transaction was successful with information. Refer to message for more detail. | A01 |
S000 | Good | Successful Transaction. | A01 |
S000 | Good | The transaction was successful. | A01 |
S001 | Good | No message. This status applies when transactions are currently being processed by TSYS Express. The transaction was successful with information. Refer to message for more detail. | A02 |