Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
009 | Good | Approved, commercial | A01 |
001 | Good | Approved, account balances not included | A01 |
025 | Good | Amex - credit approval | A01 |
004 | Good | Approved, pending ID (sign paper draft) | A01 |
028 | Good | VIP Credit Approved | A01 |
007 | Good | Approved, administrative transaction | A01 |
023 | Good | Amex - credit approval | A01 |
002 | Good | Approved, country club | A01 |
005 | Good | Approved, blind | A01 |
026 | Good | Amex - credit approval | A01 |
029 | Good | Credit Response Acknowledgement | A01 |
008 | Good | Approved, national NEG file hit OK | A01 |
000 | Good | Approved, account balances included | A01 |
024 | Good | Amex 77 - credit approval | A01 |
003 | Good | Approved, maybe more ID | A01 |
027 | Good | Credit card approval | A01 |
006 | Good | Approved, VIP | A01 |
485 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Not authorized | D01 |
906 | Soft | Capture - Delinquent | D01 |
476 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Invalid transaction, rejected | D01 |
421 | Soft | Card Declined | D01 |
111 | Soft | Delinquent | D01 |
093 | Soft | Delinquent | D01 |
208 | Hard | Invalid expiration date | D02 |
475 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Invalid expiration date | D02 |
010 | Soft | Approved for partial amount | D03 |
481 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Decline | D03 |
076 | Soft | Low funds | D03 |
480 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Decline, Pick up card | D04 |
478 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Decline, Pick up card, Call | D04 |
479 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Decline, Pick up card | D04 |
099 | Hard | Bad PBF | D05 |
075 | Hard | Invalid PAN length | D05 |
097 | Hard | Mod 10 check failure | D05 |
070 | Hard | No IDF | D05 |
105 | Hard | Card not supported | D05 |
073 | Hard | Invalid route service (destination) | D05 |
071 | Hard | Invalid route authorization | D05 |
429 | Hard | AMEX - Account error | D06 |
477 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Refer Call | D06 |
206 | Hard | CAF not found | D06 |
200 | Hard | Invalid account | D06 |
060 | Hard | No Chequing account | D06 |
096 | Soft | PIN required | D07 |
878 | Soft | PIN length error | D07 |
423 | Soft | Declined Verification Failed | D07 |
877 | Soft | Invalid PIN block | D07 |
098 | Soft | Force Post | D07 |
201 | Soft | Incorrect PIN | D07 |
434 | Soft | AMEX - Call 03 | D08 |
489 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Invalid CVV | D08 |
486 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - CVV Cryptographic error | D08 |
490 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Invalid CVV | D08 |
487 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Invalid CVV | D08 |
078 | Soft | Duplicate transaction | D09 |
084 | Soft | Duplicate transaction - authorization number has already been corrected by host. | D09 |
057 | Hard | Lost or stolen card | D10 |
056 | Soft | No Support | D12 |
085 | Soft | Inquiry not allowed | D12 |
439 | Soft | AMEX - Service error | D12 |
055 | Soft | Invalid transaction | D12 |
252 | Soft | Debit not supported | D12 |
422 | Hard | Stop Payment | D13 |
204 | Soft | Amount over maximum | D15 |
082 | Soft | Number of times used exceeded | D15 |
106 | Soft | Amount over maximum | D15 |
077 | Soft | Pre-auth full | D15 |
094 | Soft | Over table limit | D15 |
107 | Soft | Over daily limit | D15 |
086 | Soft | Over floor limit | D15 |
110 | Soft | Number of times used exceeded | D15 |
907 | Soft | Capture - Over Limit Table | D15 |
095 | Soft | Amount over maximum | D15 |
905 | Soft | Capture - Num Times Used | D15 |
051 | Hard | Expired Card | D16 |
430 | Hard | AMEX - Expired card | D16 |
484 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Expired card - refer | D16 |
901 | Hard | Capture - Expired Card | D16 |
482 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Expired Card | D16 |
115 | Soft | PTLF error | D17 |
074 | Soft | Unable to authorize | D17 |
899 | Soft | Bad sequence number - resend transaction | D17 |
498 | Soft | Declined Retry after 8 days | D17 |
104 | Soft | CAF problem | D17 |
050 | Soft | Decline | D17 |
064 | Soft | Bad Track 2 | D17 |
069 | Soft | Bad message error | D17 |
493 | Soft | Declined Retry after 1 hour | D17 |
091 | Soft | NEG file problem | D17 |
067 | Soft | Invalid transaction date | D17 |
112 | Soft | Over table limit | D17 |
072 | Soft | Card on National NEG file | D17 |
062 | Soft | PBF update error | D17 |
054 | Soft | No security module | D17 |
496 | Soft | Declined Retry after 4 days | D17 |
121 | Soft | Administration file problem | D17 |
499 | Soft | Declined Retry after 10 days | D17 |
494 | Soft | Declined Retry after 24 hours | D17 |
100 | Soft | Unable to process transaction | D17 |
068 | Soft | PTLF error | D17 |
113 | Soft | Timeout | D17 |
497 | Soft | Declined Retry after 6 days | D17 |
103 | Soft | NEG file problem | D17 |
063 | Soft | Invalid authorization type | D17 |
122 | Soft | Unable to validate PIN: security module down | D17 |
108 | Soft | CAF Problem | D17 |
090 | Soft | Referral file full | D17 |
066 | Soft | Invalid credit card advance increment | D17 |
053 | Soft | No sharing | D17 |
495 | Soft | Declined Retry after 2 days | D17 |
908 | Soft | Capture - Amount Over | D18 |
109 | Soft | Advance less than minimum | D18 |
202 | Soft | Advance less than minimum | D18 |
904 | Soft | Capture - Advance < Minimum | D18 |
092 | Soft | Advance less than minimum | D18 |
205 | Soft | Invalid Advance amount | D18 |
441 | Soft | AMEX - Amount error | D18 |
900 | Soft | Capture - PIN Tries Exceeded | D21 |
052 | Soft | PIN retries exceeded | D21 |
080 | Soft | Maximum offline refund reached | D25 |
083 | Soft | Maximum refund credit reached | D25 |
081 | Soft | Maximum credit per refund reached | D25 |
087 | Soft | Maximum number of refund credit by retailer | D25 |
079 | Soft | Maximum online refund reached | D25 |
970 | Hard | Terminal/Clerk table full | D27 |
811 | Hard | System error | D27 |
null | Hard | Error: Malformed XML | D27 |
985 | Hard | Invalid number of recurs | D27 |
961 | Hard | Initialization failure -pinpad mismatch | D27 |
800 | Hard | Bad format | D27 |
212 | Hard | Destination not available | D27 |
965 | Hard | Invalid software version number | D27 |
809 | Hard | Bad close | D27 |
209 | Hard | Invalid transaction code | D27 |
821 | Hard | Bad response length | D27 |
987 | Hard | Invalid transaction | D27 |
065 | Hard | Adjustment not allowed | D27 |
986 | Hard | Incomplete: timed out | D27 |
880 | Hard | Final packet of a multi-packet transaction | D27 |
963 | Hard | No match on Poll code | D27 |
801 | Hard | Bad data | D27 |
435 | Hard | AMEX - System down | D27 |
251 | Hard | Error on cash amount | D27 |
203 | Hard | Administrative card needed | D27 |
207 | Hard | Invalid transaction date | D27 |
966 | Hard | Duplicate terminal name | D27 |
810 | Hard | System timeout | D27 |
960 | Hard | Initialization failure - merchant number mismatch | D27 |
210 | Hard | PIN key sync error | D27 |
984 | Hard | Data error: (optional: field name) | D27 |
988 | Hard | Cannot find expiring cards | D27 |
881 | Hard | Intermediate packet of a multipacket transaction | D27 |
964 | Hard | No match on Concentrator ID | D27 |
061 | Hard | No PBF | D27 |
903 | Soft | Capture - CAF Status 3 | D29 |
902 | Soft | Capture - NEG Capture | D29 |
059 | Soft | Restricted Card | D29 |
909 | Soft | Capture - Capture | D29 |
089 | Soft | CAF status inactive or closed | D29 |
058 | Soft | Invalid status | D29 |
088 | Soft | Place call | D30 |
426 | Soft | AMEX - Denial 12 | D30 |
437 | Soft | AMEX - Declined | D30 |
483 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Refer | D30 |
102 | Soft | Place call | D30 |
440 | Soft | AMEX - Call Amex | D30 |
431 | Soft | AMEX - Call Amex | D30 |
438 | Soft | AMEX - Declined | D30 |
436 | Soft | AMEX - Call 05 | D30 |
101 | Soft | Place call | D30 |
150 | Soft | Merchant not on file | D33 |
427 | Soft | AMEX - Invalid merchant | D33 |
802 | Soft | Invalid Clerk ID | D34 |
416 | Declined | D38 | |
889 | MAC key sync error | D44 | |
898 | Bad MAC value | D44 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
009 | Good | Approved, commercial | A01 |
001 | Good | Approved, account balances not included | A01 |
025 | Good | Amex - credit approval | A01 |
004 | Good | Approved, pending ID (sign paper draft) | A01 |
028 | Good | VIP Credit Approved | A01 |
007 | Good | Approved, administrative transaction | A01 |
023 | Good | Amex - credit approval | A01 |
002 | Good | Approved, country club | A01 |
005 | Good | Approved, blind | A01 |
026 | Good | Amex - credit approval | A01 |
029 | Good | Credit Response Acknowledgement | A01 |
008 | Good | Approved, national NEG file hit OK | A01 |
000 | Good | Approved, account balances included | A01 |
024 | Good | Amex 77 - credit approval | A01 |
003 | Good | Approved, maybe more ID | A01 |
027 | Good | Credit card approval | A01 |
006 | Good | Approved, VIP | A01 |
485 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Not authorized | D01 |
906 | Soft | Capture - Delinquent | D01 |
476 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Invalid transaction, rejected | D01 |
421 | Soft | Card Declined | D01 |
111 | Soft | Delinquent | D01 |
093 | Soft | Delinquent | D01 |
208 | Hard | Invalid expiration date | D02 |
475 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Invalid expiration date | D02 |
010 | Soft | Approved for partial amount | D03 |
481 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Decline | D03 |
076 | Soft | Low funds | D03 |
480 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Decline, Pick up card | D04 |
478 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Decline, Pick up card, Call | D04 |
479 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Decline, Pick up card | D04 |
099 | Hard | Bad PBF | D05 |
075 | Hard | Invalid PAN length | D05 |
097 | Hard | Mod 10 check failure | D05 |
070 | Hard | No IDF | D05 |
105 | Hard | Card not supported | D05 |
073 | Hard | Invalid route service (destination) | D05 |
071 | Hard | Invalid route authorization | D05 |
429 | Hard | AMEX - Account error | D06 |
477 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Refer Call | D06 |
206 | Hard | CAF not found | D06 |
200 | Hard | Invalid account | D06 |
060 | Hard | No Chequing account | D06 |
096 | Soft | PIN required | D07 |
878 | Soft | PIN length error | D07 |
423 | Soft | Declined Verification Failed | D07 |
877 | Soft | Invalid PIN block | D07 |
098 | Soft | Force Post | D07 |
201 | Soft | Incorrect PIN | D07 |
434 | Soft | AMEX - Call 03 | D08 |
489 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Invalid CVV | D08 |
486 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - CVV Cryptographic error | D08 |
490 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Invalid CVV | D08 |
487 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Invalid CVV | D08 |
078 | Soft | Duplicate transaction | D09 |
084 | Soft | Duplicate transaction - authorization number has already been corrected by host. | D09 |
057 | Hard | Lost or stolen card | D10 |
056 | Soft | No Support | D12 |
085 | Soft | Inquiry not allowed | D12 |
439 | Soft | AMEX - Service error | D12 |
055 | Soft | Invalid transaction | D12 |
252 | Soft | Debit not supported | D12 |
422 | Hard | Stop Payment | D13 |
204 | Soft | Amount over maximum | D15 |
082 | Soft | Number of times used exceeded | D15 |
106 | Soft | Amount over maximum | D15 |
077 | Soft | Pre-auth full | D15 |
094 | Soft | Over table limit | D15 |
107 | Soft | Over daily limit | D15 |
086 | Soft | Over floor limit | D15 |
110 | Soft | Number of times used exceeded | D15 |
907 | Soft | Capture - Over Limit Table | D15 |
095 | Soft | Amount over maximum | D15 |
905 | Soft | Capture - Num Times Used | D15 |
051 | Hard | Expired Card | D16 |
430 | Hard | AMEX - Expired card | D16 |
484 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Expired card - refer | D16 |
901 | Hard | Capture - Expired Card | D16 |
482 | Hard | CREDIT CARD - Expired Card | D16 |
115 | Soft | PTLF error | D17 |
074 | Soft | Unable to authorize | D17 |
899 | Soft | Bad sequence number - resend transaction | D17 |
498 | Soft | Declined Retry after 8 days | D17 |
104 | Soft | CAF problem | D17 |
050 | Soft | Decline | D17 |
064 | Soft | Bad Track 2 | D17 |
069 | Soft | Bad message error | D17 |
493 | Soft | Declined Retry after 1 hour | D17 |
091 | Soft | NEG file problem | D17 |
067 | Soft | Invalid transaction date | D17 |
112 | Soft | Over table limit | D17 |
072 | Soft | Card on National NEG file | D17 |
062 | Soft | PBF update error | D17 |
054 | Soft | No security module | D17 |
496 | Soft | Declined Retry after 4 days | D17 |
121 | Soft | Administration file problem | D17 |
499 | Soft | Declined Retry after 10 days | D17 |
494 | Soft | Declined Retry after 24 hours | D17 |
100 | Soft | Unable to process transaction | D17 |
068 | Soft | PTLF error | D17 |
113 | Soft | Timeout | D17 |
497 | Soft | Declined Retry after 6 days | D17 |
103 | Soft | NEG file problem | D17 |
063 | Soft | Invalid authorization type | D17 |
122 | Soft | Unable to validate PIN: security module down | D17 |
108 | Soft | CAF Problem | D17 |
090 | Soft | Referral file full | D17 |
066 | Soft | Invalid credit card advance increment | D17 |
053 | Soft | No sharing | D17 |
495 | Soft | Declined Retry after 2 days | D17 |
908 | Soft | Capture - Amount Over | D18 |
109 | Soft | Advance less than minimum | D18 |
202 | Soft | Advance less than minimum | D18 |
904 | Soft | Capture - Advance < Minimum | D18 |
092 | Soft | Advance less than minimum | D18 |
205 | Soft | Invalid Advance amount | D18 |
441 | Soft | AMEX - Amount error | D18 |
900 | Soft | Capture - PIN Tries Exceeded | D21 |
052 | Soft | PIN retries exceeded | D21 |
080 | Soft | Maximum offline refund reached | D25 |
083 | Soft | Maximum refund credit reached | D25 |
081 | Soft | Maximum credit per refund reached | D25 |
087 | Soft | Maximum number of refund credit by retailer | D25 |
079 | Soft | Maximum online refund reached | D25 |
970 | Hard | Terminal/Clerk table full | D27 |
811 | Hard | System error | D27 |
null | Hard | Error: Malformed XML | D27 |
985 | Hard | Invalid number of recurs | D27 |
961 | Hard | Initialization failure -pinpad mismatch | D27 |
800 | Hard | Bad format | D27 |
212 | Hard | Destination not available | D27 |
965 | Hard | Invalid software version number | D27 |
809 | Hard | Bad close | D27 |
209 | Hard | Invalid transaction code | D27 |
821 | Hard | Bad response length | D27 |
987 | Hard | Invalid transaction | D27 |
065 | Hard | Adjustment not allowed | D27 |
986 | Hard | Incomplete: timed out | D27 |
880 | Hard | Final packet of a multi-packet transaction | D27 |
963 | Hard | No match on Poll code | D27 |
801 | Hard | Bad data | D27 |
435 | Hard | AMEX - System down | D27 |
251 | Hard | Error on cash amount | D27 |
203 | Hard | Administrative card needed | D27 |
207 | Hard | Invalid transaction date | D27 |
966 | Hard | Duplicate terminal name | D27 |
810 | Hard | System timeout | D27 |
960 | Hard | Initialization failure - merchant number mismatch | D27 |
210 | Hard | PIN key sync error | D27 |
984 | Hard | Data error: (optional: field name) | D27 |
988 | Hard | Cannot find expiring cards | D27 |
881 | Hard | Intermediate packet of a multipacket transaction | D27 |
964 | Hard | No match on Concentrator ID | D27 |
061 | Hard | No PBF | D27 |
903 | Soft | Capture - CAF Status 3 | D29 |
902 | Soft | Capture - NEG Capture | D29 |
059 | Soft | Restricted Card | D29 |
909 | Soft | Capture - Capture | D29 |
089 | Soft | CAF status inactive or closed | D29 |
058 | Soft | Invalid status | D29 |
088 | Soft | Place call | D30 |
426 | Soft | AMEX - Denial 12 | D30 |
437 | Soft | AMEX - Declined | D30 |
483 | Soft | CREDIT CARD - Refer | D30 |
102 | Soft | Place call | D30 |
440 | Soft | AMEX - Call Amex | D30 |
431 | Soft | AMEX - Call Amex | D30 |
438 | Soft | AMEX - Declined | D30 |
436 | Soft | AMEX - Call 05 | D30 |
101 | Soft | Place call | D30 |
150 | Soft | Merchant not on file | D33 |
427 | Soft | AMEX - Invalid merchant | D33 |
802 | Soft | Invalid Clerk ID | D34 |
416 | Declined | D38 | |
889 | MAC key sync error | D44 | |
898 | Bad MAC value | D44 |