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MasterCard Payment Gateway (MPGS)  (real-time) Response Codes:

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
APPROVED Good Transaction Approved A01
SUBMITTED Good The transaction has successfully been created in the gateway. It is either awaiting submission to the acquirer or has been submitted to the acquirer but the gateway has not yet received a response about the success or otherwise of the payment. A01
PENDING Good Transaction is pending A01
BALANCE_UNKNOWN Good A balance amount might be available for the card. Points redemption should be offered to the payer. A01
APPROVED_AUTO Good The transaction was automatically approved by the gateway. it was not submitted to the acquirer. A01
APPROVED_PENDING_SETTLEME Good Transaction Approved - pending batch settlement A01
BALANCE_AVAILABLE Good A balance amount is available for the card, and the payer can redeem points. A01
PARTIALLY_APPROVED Good The transaction was approved for a lesser amount than requested. The approved amount is returned in order.totalAuthorizedAmount. A05
CANCELLED Soft Transaction cancelled by payer D01
NOT_SUPPORTED Soft Transaction type not supported D01
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Soft Payer authentication failed D01
REQUEST_REJECTED Soft The request was rejected due to security reasons such as firewall rules, expired certificate, etc. D01
ABORTED Soft Transaction aborted by payer D01
DECLINED Soft The requested operation was not successful. For example, a payment was declined by issuer or payer authentication was not able to be successfully completed. D01
NO_BALANCE Soft A balance amount is not available for the card. The payer cannot redeem points. D01
SYSTEM_ERROR Soft Internal system error occurred processing the transaction D01
REFERRED Soft Transaction declined - refer to issuer D01
DECLINED_DO_NOT_CONTACT Soft Transaction declined - do not contact issuer D01
ACQUIRER_SYSTEM_ERROR Soft Acquirer system error occurred processing the transaction D01
UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE Soft Transaction could not be processed D01
NOT_ENROLLED_3D_SECURE Soft Card holder is not enrolled in 3D Secure D01
INVALID_REQUEST Soft The request was rejected because it did not conform to the API protocol. D01
EXCEEDED_RETRY_LIMIT Soft Transaction retry limit exceeded D01
SERVER_FAILED Soft There was an internal system failure. D01
TIMED_OUT Soft The gateway has timed out the request to the acquirer because it did not receive a response. Points redemption should not be offered to the payer. D01
EXPIRED_CARD Hard Transaction declined due to expired card D02
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Soft Transaction declined due to insufficient funds D03
DECLINED_INVALID_PIN Soft Transaction declined due to invalid PIN D07
DECLINED_AVS_CSC Soft Transaction declined due to address verification and card security code D08
DECLINED_CSC Soft Transaction declined due to card security code D08
INVALID_CSC Soft Invalid card security code D08
DUPLICATE_BATCH Soft Transaction declined due to duplicate batch D09
DECLINED_PAYMENT_PLAN Hard Transaction declined due to payment plan D13
LOCK_FAILURE Soft Order locked - another transaction is in progress for this order D17
UNKNOWN Hard The transaction has been submitted to the acquirer but the gateway was not able to find out about the success or otherwise of the payment. If the gateway subsequently finds out about the success of the payment it will update the response code. D27
AUTHENTICATION_IN_PROGRES Soft The operation determined that payer authentication is possible for the given card, but this has not been completed, and requires further action by the merchant to proceed. D30
BLOCKED Soft Transaction blocked due to Risk or 3D Secure blocking rules D33
DECLINED_AVS soft Transaction declined due to address verification D40
DECLINED_PIN_REQUIRED Good Transaction declined due to PIN required D48
SERVER_BUSY Soft The server did not have enough resources to process the request at the moment. E02

AVS Responses   
Code Message CSI Pay Code
SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE_RET Issuer system is unavailable. Retry can be attempted 00
NOT_AVAILABLE No data available from issuer or AVS data not supported for transaction 40
DEFERRED_TRANSACTION_RECE Deferred transaction received and awaiting processing. 43
NO_MATCH No match 44
ZIP_MATCH Zip/postcode matched. Street address not matched 47
ADDRESS_MATCH Street address matched 4D
ADDRESS_ZIP_MATCH Street address and zip/postcode were matched 4F
NAME_MATCH Card holder name matched 70
NAME_ZIP_MATCH Card holder name and zip/postcode matched 73
NAME_ADDRESS_MATCH Card holder name and street address matched 7C
SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED Service currently not supported by acquirer or merchant 80
NOT_REQUESTED AVS not requested С0
NOT_VERIFIED AVS could not be verified for an international transaction С0

CSC Responses   
Code Message CSI Pay Code
MATCH Valid or matched. M
NO_MATCH Invalid or not matched. N
NOT_PROCESSED Not processed. P
NOT_PRESENT Merchant indicated CSC not present on card. S
NOT_SUPPORTED Card issuer is not registered and/or certified U

MasterCard Payment Gateway (MPGS)  (real-time) Response Codes:

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
APPROVED Good Transaction Approved A01
SUBMITTED Good The transaction has successfully been created in the gateway. It is either awaiting submission to the acquirer or has been submitted to the acquirer but the gateway has not yet received a response about the success or otherwise of the payment. A01
PENDING Good Transaction is pending A01
BALANCE_UNKNOWN Good A balance amount might be available for the card. Points redemption should be offered to the payer. A01
APPROVED_AUTO Good The transaction was automatically approved by the gateway. it was not submitted to the acquirer. A01
APPROVED_PENDING_SETTLEME Good Transaction Approved - pending batch settlement A01
BALANCE_AVAILABLE Good A balance amount is available for the card, and the payer can redeem points. A01
PARTIALLY_APPROVED Good The transaction was approved for a lesser amount than requested. The approved amount is returned in order.totalAuthorizedAmount. A05
CANCELLED Soft Transaction cancelled by payer D01
NOT_SUPPORTED Soft Transaction type not supported D01
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Soft Payer authentication failed D01
REQUEST_REJECTED Soft The request was rejected due to security reasons such as firewall rules, expired certificate, etc. D01
ABORTED Soft Transaction aborted by payer D01
DECLINED Soft The requested operation was not successful. For example, a payment was declined by issuer or payer authentication was not able to be successfully completed. D01
NO_BALANCE Soft A balance amount is not available for the card. The payer cannot redeem points. D01
SYSTEM_ERROR Soft Internal system error occurred processing the transaction D01
REFERRED Soft Transaction declined - refer to issuer D01
DECLINED_DO_NOT_CONTACT Soft Transaction declined - do not contact issuer D01
ACQUIRER_SYSTEM_ERROR Soft Acquirer system error occurred processing the transaction D01
UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE Soft Transaction could not be processed D01
NOT_ENROLLED_3D_SECURE Soft Card holder is not enrolled in 3D Secure D01
INVALID_REQUEST Soft The request was rejected because it did not conform to the API protocol. D01
EXCEEDED_RETRY_LIMIT Soft Transaction retry limit exceeded D01
SERVER_FAILED Soft There was an internal system failure. D01
TIMED_OUT Soft The gateway has timed out the request to the acquirer because it did not receive a response. Points redemption should not be offered to the payer. D01
EXPIRED_CARD Hard Transaction declined due to expired card D02
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Soft Transaction declined due to insufficient funds D03
DECLINED_INVALID_PIN Soft Transaction declined due to invalid PIN D07
DECLINED_AVS_CSC Soft Transaction declined due to address verification and card security code D08
DECLINED_CSC Soft Transaction declined due to card security code D08
INVALID_CSC Soft Invalid card security code D08
DUPLICATE_BATCH Soft Transaction declined due to duplicate batch D09
DECLINED_PAYMENT_PLAN Hard Transaction declined due to payment plan D13
LOCK_FAILURE Soft Order locked - another transaction is in progress for this order D17
UNKNOWN Hard The transaction has been submitted to the acquirer but the gateway was not able to find out about the success or otherwise of the payment. If the gateway subsequently finds out about the success of the payment it will update the response code. D27
AUTHENTICATION_IN_PROGRES Soft The operation determined that payer authentication is possible for the given card, but this has not been completed, and requires further action by the merchant to proceed. D30
BLOCKED Soft Transaction blocked due to Risk or 3D Secure blocking rules D33
DECLINED_AVS soft Transaction declined due to address verification D40
DECLINED_PIN_REQUIRED Good Transaction declined due to PIN required D48
SERVER_BUSY Soft The server did not have enough resources to process the request at the moment. E02

AVS Responses   
Code Message CSI Pay Code
SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE_RET Issuer system is unavailable. Retry can be attempted 00
NOT_AVAILABLE No data available from issuer or AVS data not supported for transaction 40
DEFERRED_TRANSACTION_RECE Deferred transaction received and awaiting processing. 43
NO_MATCH No match 44
ZIP_MATCH Zip/postcode matched. Street address not matched 47
ADDRESS_MATCH Street address matched 4D
ADDRESS_ZIP_MATCH Street address and zip/postcode were matched 4F
NAME_MATCH Card holder name matched 70
NAME_ZIP_MATCH Card holder name and zip/postcode matched 73
NAME_ADDRESS_MATCH Card holder name and street address matched 7C
SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED Service currently not supported by acquirer or merchant 80
NOT_REQUESTED AVS not requested С0
NOT_VERIFIED AVS could not be verified for an international transaction С0

CSC Responses   
Code Message CSI Pay Code
MATCH Valid or matched. M
NO_MATCH Invalid or not matched. N
NOT_PROCESSED Not processed. P
NOT_PRESENT Merchant indicated CSC not present on card. S
NOT_SUPPORTED Card issuer is not registered and/or certified U