Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
000 | Good | Accepted | A01 |
162 | Soft | DCC cardholder currency not supported | D01 |
907 | Soft | Issuer not responding | D01 |
165 | Soft | DCC not allowed to merchant | D01 |
118 | Soft | Unknown card | D01 |
201 | Soft | Card not valid | D01 |
204 | Soft | Limited card | D01 |
163 | Soft | DCC exceeds time limit for withdrawal | D01 |
102 | Soft | Suspected card forgery (fraud) | D01 |
166 | Soft | DCC unknown error | D01 |
129 | Soft | Suspected fraud | D01 |
207 | Soft | Special occasion | D01 |
119 | Soft | Transaction not allowed to cardholder | D01 |
202 | Soft | Suspected card forgery (fraud) | D01 |
161 | Soft | DCC transaction not allowed to cardholder | D01 |
125 | Soft | Card not valid | D01 |
100 | Soft | Do not honor (Not accepted) | D01 |
205 | Soft | Merchant contact police | D01 |
164 | Soft | DCC transaction not allowed to terminal | D01 |
200 | Soft | No not honor | D01 |
130 | Soft | Invalid Track2 | D01 |
210 | Soft | Suspected fraud | D01 |
120 | Soft | Transaction not allowed to terminal | D01 |
131 | Hard | Invalid Expiration Date | D02 |
121 | Soft | Exceeds limits to withdrawal | D03 |
116 | Soft | Not sufficient funds | D03 |
111 | Hard | Invalid card number | D05 |
112 | Soft | PIN required | D07 |
126 | Soft | False PIN block | D07 |
117 | Soft | Invalid PIN | D07 |
913 | Soft | Double transaction transmission | D09 |
208 | Hard | Lost Card | D10 |
910 | Soft | Issuer did not respond | D12 |
908 | Soft | Message can not be routed | D12 |
911 | Soft | Issuer timed out | D12 |
209 | Soft | Stolen Card | D12 |
909 | Soft | System error | D12 |
912 | Soft | Issuer not reachable | D12 |
101 | Hard | Expired card | D16 |
110 | Soft | Invalid amount | D18 |
206 | Soft | Allowed PIN-retries exceeded | D21 |
106 | Soft | Allowed PIN retries exceeded | D21 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
954 | Hard | Batch not closed | D27 |
951 | Hard | Batch already closed | D27 |
902 | Hard | False transaction | D27 |
952 | Hard | Invalid batch number | D27 |
914 | Hard | Original transaction can not be traced | D27 |
953 | Hard | Host timeout | D27 |
904 | Hard | Form error | D27 |
950 | Hard | No financial record found for detail data | D27 |
956 | Hard | Transaction number not unique | D27 |
104 | Soft | Restricted card | D29 |
203 | Soft | Merchant contact acquirer | D30 |
103 | Soft | Merchant call acquirer | D30 |
955 | Soft | Merchant not active | D34 |
916 | Soft | Merchant not found | D34 |
109 | Soft | Merchant not identified | D34 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
00 | Good | Authorized | A01 |
0 | Good | Approved | A01 |
21 | Soft | No action taken | D01 |
57 | Soft | The referencing transaction (e.g. reversal request) was not carried out with the card which was used for the original transaction | D01 |
99 | Soft | Error in PAC encryption detected | D01 |
34 | Soft | Suspicion of manipulation | D01 |
92 | Soft | The card type is not processed by the authorization center | D01 |
97 | Soft | Security breach – MAC check indicates error condition | D01 |
40 | Soft | Invalid function | D01 |
05 | Soft | Authorization declined | D01 |
98 | Soft | Date and time not plausible | D01 |
81 | Soft | Message flow error | D01 |
91 | Soft | Card Issuer temporarily not reachable | D01 |
56 | Hard | Card not in authorizer’s database | D05 |
14 | Hard | Invalid card number | D05 |
55 | Soft | Incorrect PIN | D07 |
77 | Soft | PIN entry necessary | D07 |
94 | Soft | Data has been transmitted twice | D09 |
43 | Hard | Stolen card, pick up | D10 |
82 | Soft | Authorization center not available for 60 seconds | D12 |
83 | Soft | Authorization center not available for 300 seconds | D12 |
78 | Hard | Stop payment order: the transaction was declined or returned because the cardholder requested that payment of a specific recurring or installment-payment transaction be stopped. | D13 |
79 | Hard | Revocation of authorization order: the transaction was declined or returned because the cardholder requested that payment of all recurring or installment-payment transactions for a specific merchant account be stopped | D13 |
33 | Hard | Card expired | D16 |
64 | Soft | The transaction amount of the referencing transaction differs from the transaction amount of the original transaction | D18 |
04 | Soft | Retain card | D19 |
13 | Soft | Invalid amount | D20 |
03 | Soft | Invalid merchant number | D20 |
75 | Soft | PIN entered incorrectly too often | D21 |
96 | Soft | Processing temporarily not possible | D26 |
30 | Hard | Invalid format | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
12 | Hard | Invalid transaction | D27 |
62 | Soft | Restricted card | D29 |
02 | Soft | Call AS call number | D30 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
00 | Good | Approval | A01 |
76 | Good | Approval | A01 |
85 | Good | AVS Accepted | A05 |
10 | Good | Apprv Lesser Amt | A05 |
NQ | Soft | Tran Ct Excd Lmt | D03 |
05 | Soft | Declined | D03 |
NU | Soft | Declined | D03 |
51 | Soft | Declined | D03 |
N3 | Soft | Invld Acct2 | D03 |
61 | Soft | Amt Excceds Lmt | D03 |
14 | Hard | Inv Acct Num | D05 |
55 | Soft | Incorrect PIN | D07 |
C2 | Soft | CVV2 Declined | D08 |
94 | Soft | Duplicate Tran | D09 |
63 | Soft | Serv Not Allowed | D12 |
54 | Hard | Do not try again | D16 |
NH | Soft | Enter Lesser Amt | D18 |
13 | Soft | Inv Amt | D18 |
NJ | Soft | Inv Cashback Amt | D19 |
03 | Soft | Declined | D20 |
NP | Soft | Dbtsw inv merid | D20 |
75 | Soft | PIN Retry Max | D21 |
VA | Hard | DUP AUTH CALL HD | D27 |
NG | Hard | Rev Rejected | D27 |
57 | Hard | Tran Not Allowed | D27 |
VB | Hard | VEL ERR CALL HD | D27 |
NN | Hard | Undefined Card | D27 |
NR | Hard | Resub Excds Lmt | D27 |
60 | Hard | Hold-Call Ctr | D27 |
69 | Hard | Host Key Error | D27 |
01 | Hard | Referral | D27 |
VC | Hard | ** ETC DATA ** | D27 |
12 | Hard | Inv tran | D27 |
NI | Hard | PIN Xlate Error | D27 |
03 | Soft | Invld Mer ID | D33 |
89 | Soft | Invalid Term ID | D33 |
25 | Soft | Inv Terminal | D33 |
NM | Soft | Issuer Unav | E02 |
NS | Soft | Dbtsw Pin Xl Err | E02 |
NK | Soft | Crypto Box Unav | E02 |
91 | Soft | Please Retry | E02 |
28 | Soft | Please Retry | E02 |
CE | Soft | System Problem | E02 |
NL | Soft | Dbt Switch Unavl | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
085 | Good | Card OK | A01 |
000 | Good | No Errors – Transaction Approved | A01 |
TC | Soft | Retry bad addr | D01 |
093 | Soft | Decline | D01 |
015 | Soft | No such issuer | D01 |
080 | Soft | Date error | D01 |
TD | Soft | Rev not allowed | D01 |
091 | Soft | No Reply | D01 |
116 | Soft | Credits not allowed | D01 |
092 | Soft | Invalid routing | D01 |
076 | Soft | Unsolic reversal | D01 |
079 | Soft | Already reversed | D01 |
117 | Soft | Card type not accepted | D01 |
005 | Soft | Decline | D01 |
021 | Soft | No action taken | D01 |
TB | Hard | Reenter exp date | D02 |
051 | Soft | Decline | D03 |
077 | Soft | No action taken | D03 |
065 | Soft | Decline | D03 |
063 | Hard | Sec Violation | D04 |
004 | Hard | Hold-call or pick up card | D04 |
007 | Hard | Hold-call or pick up card | D04 |
115 | Hard | Invalid card number | D05 |
014 | Hard | Card no. error | D05 |
078 | Hard | No account | D06 |
N7 | Soft | CVV2 mismatch | D08 |
082 | Soft | Incorrect CVV | D08 |
094 | Soft | Duplicate trans | D09 |
041 | Hard | Hold-call or pick up card | D10 |
043 | Hard | Hold-call or pick up card | D11 |
096 | Soft | System error | D12 |
058 | Soft | Serv not allowed | D12 |
057 | Soft | Serv not allowed | D12 |
R1 | Hard | Stop recurring | D13 |
054 | Hard | Expired card | D16 |
019 | Soft | Re Enter | D17 |
013 | Soft | Amount error | D18 |
202 | Soft | Invalid transction amount | D18 |
114 | Soft | Missing card holder account data | D20 |
TE | Soft | Bad merchant key | D20 |
206 | Hard | Transaction already refunded | D22 |
207 | Hard | Refund failed | D22 |
203 | Hard | Void failed | D27 |
106 | Hard | AVS ZIP length error | D27 |
012 | Hard | Invalid trans | D27 |
201 | Hard | Invalid transaction ID | D27 |
104 | Hard | Reference number length error | D27 |
TA | Hard | CT not allowed | D27 |
006 | Hard | Error NN | D27 |
113 | Hard | Reference number must be numeric | D27 |
204 | Hard | Transaction already settled | D27 |
102 | Hard | Incomplete request | D27 |
105 | Hard | AVS address length error | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
205 | Hard | Transaction already voided | D27 |
999 | Hard | Internal error | D27 |
103 | Hard | Invoice number length Error | D27 |
062 | Soft | Decline | D29 |
001 | Soft | Refer to Issuer | D30 |
002 | Soft | Refer to issuer special condition | D30 |
003 | Soft | Merch ID Error | D33 |
112 | Soft | Merchant phone length error | D34 |
109 | Soft | Merchant state length error | D34 |
101 | Soft | Invalid profile ID or profile key | D34 |
107 | Soft | Merchant name length error | D34 |
110 | Soft | Merchant ZIP length error | D34 |
111 | Soft | Merchant category code length error | D34 |
108 | Soft | Merchant City length error | D34 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
80 | Good | Approval for Purchase Amount Only | A01 |
00 | Good | Approved or completed successfully | A01 |
11 | Good | Partial Approval | A05 |
88 | Soft | MAC sync Error | D01 |
68 | Soft | Response received too late. | D01 |
85 | Soft | No Keys To Use | D01 |
92 | Soft | Invalid Issuer | D01 |
77 | Soft | Issuer Does Not Participate In The Service | D01 |
89 | Soft | Security Violation | D01 |
83 | Soft | Not declined (AVS Only) | D01 |
04 | Soft | Do not honour | D01 |
86 | Soft | K M E Sync Error | D01 |
93 | Soft | Transaction cannot be completed | D01 |
07 | Soft | Honour with ID | D01 |
84 | Soft | Invalid Life Cycle of transaction | D01 |
91 | Soft | Issuer not available | D01 |
05 | Soft | Do not honour | D01 |
94 | Soft | Invalid originator | D01 |
79 | Soft | Key Validation Error | D01 |
66 | Soft | Exceeds Acquirer Limit | D03 |
N4 | Soft | Cash Back Request Exceeds Issuer Limit | D03 |
51 | Soft | Not sufficient funds | D03 |
97 | Soft | No Funds Transfer | D03 |
65 | Soft | Exceeds frequency limit | D03 |
42 | Hard | Special Pickup | D04 |
43 | Hard | Hot Card, Pickup (if possible) | D04 |
44 | Hard | Pickup Card | D04 |
14 | Hard | Invalid card number | D05 |
61 | Hard | Exceeds amount limit | D05 |
21 | Hard | No To Account | D06 |
24 | Hard | No Credit Account | D06 |
22 | Hard | No Checking Account | D06 |
20 | Hard | No From Account | D06 |
76 | Hard | Invalid Account | D06 |
23 | Hard | No Saving Account | D06 |
55 | Soft | Incorrect PIN; Re-enter | D07 |
81 | Soft | Unable to Verify PIN | D07 |
87 | Soft | PIN Key Error | D07 |
82 | Soft | Invalid Card Verification Value | D08 |
N7 | Soft | N7 (visa), “Decline CVV2 failure | D08 |
99 | Soft | Duplicate Transaction | D09 |
41 | Hard | Lost Card, Pickup | D10 |
96 | Soft | System malfunction | D12 |
78 | Soft | Function Not Available | D12 |
N3 | Soft | Cash Service Not Available | D12 |
R3 | Hard | Revocation of all Authorisations Order | D13 |
R0 | Hard | Stop Payment Order | D13 |
R1 | Hard | Revocation of Authorisation Order | D13 |
54 | Hard | Expired card | D16 |
19 | Soft | System Error; Re-enter transaction | D17 |
13 | Soft | Invalid amount | D18 |
75 | Soft | Exceeds PIN Retry | D21 |
34 | Hard | Implausible card data | D27 |
98 | Hard | Duplicate Reversal | D27 |
58 | Hard | Txn Not Permitted On Term | D27 |
45 | Hard | Transaction Back Off | D27 |
09 | Hard | No Original | D27 |
39 | Hard | Transaction Not Allowed | D27 |
12 | Hard | Invalid transaction card / issuer / acquirer | D27 |
17 | Hard | Invalid Capture date (terminal business date) | D27 |
30 | Hard | Format error | D27 |
67 | Hard | Retain Card; no reason specified | D27 |
10 | Hard | Unable to Reverse | D27 |
57 | Hard | Transaction not permitted on card | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
62 | Soft | Restricted card | D29 |
02 | Soft | Refer to card issuer | D30 |
03 | Soft | Invalid merchant | D34 |
06 | Soft | Invalid Transaction for Terminal | D34 |
63 | Soft | MAC Key Error | D34 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |
08 | Soft | Time-Out | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
000.000.000 | Good | Transaction succeeded | A01 |
800.100.161 | Soft | Too many invalid tries | D01 |
100.396.101 | Soft | Transaction canceled by user | D01 |
100.100.501 | Soft | Invalid credit card brand | D01 |
800.800.800 | Soft | Acquiring bank is currently not available. Please contact with your processor in case this error persists. | D01 |
800.100.154 | Soft | Transaction marked as invalid | D01 |
100.200.103 | Soft | Bank account has invalid bankcode/name account number combination | D01 |
800.200.101 | Soft | Creditcard / bank account declined by clearing house | D01 |
100.396.102 | Soft | Not confirmed by user | D01 |
100.395.502 | Soft | Acquirer/Bank reported timeout on online transfer transaction | D01 |
800.100.173 | Soft | Invalid currency, not processed by authorization center | D01 |
800.100.150 | Soft | Refund on gambling tx not allowed | D01 |
800.100.169 | Soft | Card type is not processed by the authorization center | D01 |
800.100.158 | Soft | Suspecting manipulation | D01 |
000.200.000 | Soft | Transaction pending | D01 |
100.500.201 | Soft | Payment type invalid | D01 |
800.100.164 | Soft | Merchants limit exceeded | D01 |
800.100.152 | Soft | Transaction declined by authorization system | D01 |
800.100.157 | Hard | Wrong expiry date | D02 |
800.100.162 | Soft | Limit exceeded | D03 |
800.100.155 | Soft | Amount exceeds credit | D03 |
800.100.160 | Hard | Card blocked | D04 |
800.100.171 | Hard | Pick up card | D04 |
100.100.101 | Hard | Invalid creditcard, bank account number or bank name | D05 |
800.100.151 | Hard | Invalid card | D05 |
100.100.100 | Hard | Request contains no creditcard, bank account number or bank name | D05 |
800.100.172 | Hard | Account blocked | D06 |
800.100.166 | Soft | Incorrect personal identification number | D07 |
800.100.192 | Soft | Invalid CVV, amount is reserved on card for a few days | D08 |
800.100.153 | Soft | Invalid CVV | D08 |
800.110.100 | Soft | Duplicate transaction | D09 |
800.100.165 | Hard | Card lost | D10 |
800.100.159 | Hard | Stolen card | D11 |
900.100.200 | Soft | Error response from connector/acquirer | D12 |
900.100.201 | Soft | Serious error on gateway | D12 |
800.800.810 | Soft | You are connecting from an unknown Server IP address. Please contact to your processor. | D12 |
900.100.100 | Soft | Unexpected communication error with connector/acquirer | D12 |
800.800.800 | Soft | Acquiring bank is currently not available. Please contact with your processor in case this error persists. | D12 |
100.550.301 | Soft | Amount is too large | D18 |
800.100.174 | Soft | Amount field should not be empty | D18 |
700.100.200 | Soft | Non matching reference amount | D18 |
100.550.303 | Soft | Amount format invalid (only two decimals allowed) | D18 |
700.100.300 | Soft | Invalid amount (probably too large) | D18 |
800.100.195 | Soft | UserAccount Number/ID unknown | D20 |
800.100.190 | Soft | Invalid configuration data | D20 |
700.300.700 | Hard | Referenced transaction can not be reversed (reversal not possible anymore) | D22 |
700.300.300 | Hard | Referenced transaction can not be refunded, captured or reversed (already refunded,captured or reversed) | D22 |
800.800.820 | Hard | Invalid HTTP authentication parameters (username or password wrong). Please contact to your processor. | D27 |
900.200.100 | Hard | Message Sequence Number of Connector out of sync | D27 |
800.100.196 | Hard | Registration error | D27 |
800.400.110 | Hard | AVS Check Failed. Amount is reserved on card for a few days. | D27 |
800.100.156 | Hard | Format error | D27 |
800.100.191 | Hard | Transaction in wrong state on aquirer side | D27 |
100.800.501 | Hard | Invalid country | D27 |
800.100.163 | Hard | Maximum transaction frequency exceeded | D27 |
800.100.167 | Hard | Referencing transaction does not match | D27 |
200.100.101 | Hard | Invalid Request Message. No valid XML. XML must be url-encoded! maybe it contains a not encoded ampersand or something similar. | D27 |
800.100.100 | Hard | For unknown reason | D27 |
100.550.401 | Hard | Currency field is invalid | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
900.300.600 | Hard | User session timeout | D27 |
100.900.500 | Hard | Invalid reccurence mode | D27 |
800.400.100 | Hard | AVS Check Failed | D27 |
900.100.202 | Hard | Invalid transaction flow, the requested function is not applicable for the referenced | D27 |
800.100.170 | Hard | Transaction not permitted | D27 |
100.700.801 | Hard | Identity contains no or invalid identification value | D27 |
800.100.168 | Soft | Restricted card | D29 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |
900.100.300 | Soft | No response from connector/acquirer [uncertain result] | E02 |
900.100.600 | Soft | Connector/acquirer currently down | E02 |
900.100.400 | Soft | Timeout at connectors/acquirer side | E02 |
900.100.500 | Soft | Timeout at connectors/acquirer side (try later) | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
00 | Good | Authorized | A01 |
05 | Soft | Authorization declined | D01 |
99 | Soft | Error in PAC encryption detected | D01 |
40 | Soft | Invalid function | D01 |
92 | Soft | The card type is not processed by the authorization center | D01 |
97 | Soft | Security breach – MAC check indicates error condition | D01 |
57 | Soft | The referencing transaction (e.g. reversal request) was not carried out with the card which was used for the original transaction | D01 |
21 | Soft | No action taken | D01 |
98 | Soft | Date and time not plausible | D01 |
81 | Soft | Message flow error | D01 |
34 | Soft | Suspicion of manipulation | D01 |
91 | Soft | Card Issuer temporarily not reachable | D01 |
56 | Hard | Card not in authorizer’s database | D05 |
14 | Hard | Invalid card number | D05 |
77 | Soft | PIN entry necessary | D07 |
55 | Soft | Incorrect PIN | D07 |
94 | Soft | Data has been transmitted twice | D09 |
43 | Hard | Stolen card, pick up | D10 |
82 | Soft | Authorization center not available for 60 seconds | D12 |
83 | Soft | Authorization center not available for 300 seconds | D12 |
79 | Hard | Revocation of authorization order. | D13 |
78 | Hard | Stop payment order | D13 |
33 | Hard | Card expired | D16 |
13 | Soft | Invalid amount | D18 |
64 | Soft | The transaction amount of the referencing transaction differs from the transaction amount of the original transaction | D18 |
75 | Soft | PIN entered incorrectly too often | D21 |
96 | Soft | Processing temporarily not possible | D26 |
30 | Hard | Invalid format | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
04 | Hard | Retain card | D27 |
12 | Hard | Invalid transaction | D27 |
62 | Soft | Restricted card | D29 |
02 | Soft | Call AS call number | D30 |
03 | Soft | Invalid merchant number | D33 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
0000 | Good | The transaction has been accepted. | A01 |
4002 | Soft | Insufficient funds | D01 |
4005 | Soft | Suspected fraud | D01 |
4008 | Soft | 3DSecure authentication failed | D01 |
4003 | Soft | Card refused by the bank network | D01 |
4001 | Soft | Transaction refused by the bank network | D01 |
4009 | Soft | Expired 3DSecure authentication | D01 |
4004 | Soft | Aborted transaction | D01 |
4002 | Soft | Insufficient funds | D03 |
4012 | Hard | Card data invalid | D05 |
4011 | Soft | Duplicated transaction | D09 |
4006 | Hard | Card lost | D10 |
4007 | Hard | Stolen Card | D11 |
5001 | Soft | Exchange protocol failure | D12 |
5004 | Soft | Time out, the answer will come from the notification URL | D12 |
5002 | Soft | Bank network error | D12 |
5003 | Soft | Undergoing maintenance | D12 |
2007 | Soft | Invalid capture amount | D18 |
2008 | Soft | Invalid refund amount | D18 |
2004 | Hard | Reference transaction not found | D22 |
2003 | Hard | Non refundable reference transaction | D22 |
2005 | Soft | Not able to capture the reference authorization | D26 |
2006 | Hard | Unfinished reference transaction | D27 |
1002 | Hard | Invalid parameter X | D27 |
6002 | Hard | Transaction declined | D27 |
2009 | Hard | Authorization has expired | D27 |
2001 | Hard | Alias not found | D27 |
3001 | Hard | Account deactivated | D27 |
1003 | Hard | HASH error | D27 |
4010 | Hard | Invalid transaction | D27 |
6003 | Hard | Cardholder already disputed a transaction | D27 |
6001 | Hard | Transaction declined by merchant | D27 |
3003 | Hard | Unauthorized transaction | D27 |
2002 | Hard | Unsuccessful reference transaction | D27 |
4013 | Hard | Transaction not allowed by bank network to this card holder | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
1001 | Hard | Parameter X missing | D27 |
1005 | Hard | Unsupported protocol | D27 |
6004 | Hard | Transaction declined by merchant’s rules | D27 |
3002 | Hard | Unauthorized server IP address | D27 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
000 | Good | Accepted | A01 |
162 | Soft | DCC cardholder currency not supported | D01 |
907 | Soft | Issuer not responding | D01 |
165 | Soft | DCC not allowed to merchant | D01 |
118 | Soft | Unknown card | D01 |
201 | Soft | Card not valid | D01 |
204 | Soft | Limited card | D01 |
163 | Soft | DCC exceeds time limit for withdrawal | D01 |
102 | Soft | Suspected card forgery (fraud) | D01 |
166 | Soft | DCC unknown error | D01 |
129 | Soft | Suspected fraud | D01 |
207 | Soft | Special occasion | D01 |
119 | Soft | Transaction not allowed to cardholder | D01 |
202 | Soft | Suspected card forgery (fraud) | D01 |
161 | Soft | DCC transaction not allowed to cardholder | D01 |
125 | Soft | Card not valid | D01 |
100 | Soft | Do not honor (Not accepted) | D01 |
205 | Soft | Merchant contact police | D01 |
164 | Soft | DCC transaction not allowed to terminal | D01 |
200 | Soft | No not honor | D01 |
130 | Soft | Invalid Track2 | D01 |
210 | Soft | Suspected fraud | D01 |
120 | Soft | Transaction not allowed to terminal | D01 |
131 | Hard | Invalid Expiration Date | D02 |
121 | Soft | Exceeds limits to withdrawal | D03 |
116 | Soft | Not sufficient funds | D03 |
111 | Hard | Invalid card number | D05 |
112 | Soft | PIN required | D07 |
126 | Soft | False PIN block | D07 |
117 | Soft | Invalid PIN | D07 |
913 | Soft | Double transaction transmission | D09 |
208 | Hard | Lost Card | D10 |
910 | Soft | Issuer did not respond | D12 |
908 | Soft | Message can not be routed | D12 |
911 | Soft | Issuer timed out | D12 |
209 | Soft | Stolen Card | D12 |
909 | Soft | System error | D12 |
912 | Soft | Issuer not reachable | D12 |
101 | Hard | Expired card | D16 |
110 | Soft | Invalid amount | D18 |
206 | Soft | Allowed PIN-retries exceeded | D21 |
106 | Soft | Allowed PIN retries exceeded | D21 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
954 | Hard | Batch not closed | D27 |
951 | Hard | Batch already closed | D27 |
902 | Hard | False transaction | D27 |
952 | Hard | Invalid batch number | D27 |
914 | Hard | Original transaction can not be traced | D27 |
953 | Hard | Host timeout | D27 |
904 | Hard | Form error | D27 |
950 | Hard | No financial record found for detail data | D27 |
956 | Hard | Transaction number not unique | D27 |
104 | Soft | Restricted card | D29 |
203 | Soft | Merchant contact acquirer | D30 |
103 | Soft | Merchant call acquirer | D30 |
955 | Soft | Merchant not active | D34 |
916 | Soft | Merchant not found | D34 |
109 | Soft | Merchant not identified | D34 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
00 | Good | Authorized | A01 |
0 | Good | Approved | A01 |
21 | Soft | No action taken | D01 |
57 | Soft | The referencing transaction (e.g. reversal request) was not carried out with the card which was used for the original transaction | D01 |
99 | Soft | Error in PAC encryption detected | D01 |
34 | Soft | Suspicion of manipulation | D01 |
92 | Soft | The card type is not processed by the authorization center | D01 |
97 | Soft | Security breach – MAC check indicates error condition | D01 |
40 | Soft | Invalid function | D01 |
05 | Soft | Authorization declined | D01 |
98 | Soft | Date and time not plausible | D01 |
81 | Soft | Message flow error | D01 |
91 | Soft | Card Issuer temporarily not reachable | D01 |
56 | Hard | Card not in authorizer’s database | D05 |
14 | Hard | Invalid card number | D05 |
55 | Soft | Incorrect PIN | D07 |
77 | Soft | PIN entry necessary | D07 |
94 | Soft | Data has been transmitted twice | D09 |
43 | Hard | Stolen card, pick up | D10 |
82 | Soft | Authorization center not available for 60 seconds | D12 |
83 | Soft | Authorization center not available for 300 seconds | D12 |
78 | Hard | Stop payment order: the transaction was declined or returned because the cardholder requested that payment of a specific recurring or installment-payment transaction be stopped. | D13 |
79 | Hard | Revocation of authorization order: the transaction was declined or returned because the cardholder requested that payment of all recurring or installment-payment transactions for a specific merchant account be stopped | D13 |
33 | Hard | Card expired | D16 |
64 | Soft | The transaction amount of the referencing transaction differs from the transaction amount of the original transaction | D18 |
04 | Soft | Retain card | D19 |
13 | Soft | Invalid amount | D20 |
03 | Soft | Invalid merchant number | D20 |
75 | Soft | PIN entered incorrectly too often | D21 |
96 | Soft | Processing temporarily not possible | D26 |
30 | Hard | Invalid format | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
12 | Hard | Invalid transaction | D27 |
62 | Soft | Restricted card | D29 |
02 | Soft | Call AS call number | D30 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
00 | Good | Approval | A01 |
76 | Good | Approval | A01 |
85 | Good | AVS Accepted | A05 |
10 | Good | Apprv Lesser Amt | A05 |
NQ | Soft | Tran Ct Excd Lmt | D03 |
05 | Soft | Declined | D03 |
NU | Soft | Declined | D03 |
51 | Soft | Declined | D03 |
N3 | Soft | Invld Acct2 | D03 |
61 | Soft | Amt Excceds Lmt | D03 |
14 | Hard | Inv Acct Num | D05 |
55 | Soft | Incorrect PIN | D07 |
C2 | Soft | CVV2 Declined | D08 |
94 | Soft | Duplicate Tran | D09 |
63 | Soft | Serv Not Allowed | D12 |
54 | Hard | Do not try again | D16 |
NH | Soft | Enter Lesser Amt | D18 |
13 | Soft | Inv Amt | D18 |
NJ | Soft | Inv Cashback Amt | D19 |
03 | Soft | Declined | D20 |
NP | Soft | Dbtsw inv merid | D20 |
75 | Soft | PIN Retry Max | D21 |
VA | Hard | DUP AUTH CALL HD | D27 |
NG | Hard | Rev Rejected | D27 |
57 | Hard | Tran Not Allowed | D27 |
VB | Hard | VEL ERR CALL HD | D27 |
NN | Hard | Undefined Card | D27 |
NR | Hard | Resub Excds Lmt | D27 |
60 | Hard | Hold-Call Ctr | D27 |
69 | Hard | Host Key Error | D27 |
01 | Hard | Referral | D27 |
VC | Hard | ** ETC DATA ** | D27 |
12 | Hard | Inv tran | D27 |
NI | Hard | PIN Xlate Error | D27 |
03 | Soft | Invld Mer ID | D33 |
89 | Soft | Invalid Term ID | D33 |
25 | Soft | Inv Terminal | D33 |
NM | Soft | Issuer Unav | E02 |
NS | Soft | Dbtsw Pin Xl Err | E02 |
NK | Soft | Crypto Box Unav | E02 |
91 | Soft | Please Retry | E02 |
28 | Soft | Please Retry | E02 |
CE | Soft | System Problem | E02 |
NL | Soft | Dbt Switch Unavl | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
085 | Good | Card OK | A01 |
000 | Good | No Errors – Transaction Approved | A01 |
TC | Soft | Retry bad addr | D01 |
093 | Soft | Decline | D01 |
015 | Soft | No such issuer | D01 |
080 | Soft | Date error | D01 |
TD | Soft | Rev not allowed | D01 |
091 | Soft | No Reply | D01 |
116 | Soft | Credits not allowed | D01 |
092 | Soft | Invalid routing | D01 |
076 | Soft | Unsolic reversal | D01 |
079 | Soft | Already reversed | D01 |
117 | Soft | Card type not accepted | D01 |
005 | Soft | Decline | D01 |
021 | Soft | No action taken | D01 |
TB | Hard | Reenter exp date | D02 |
051 | Soft | Decline | D03 |
077 | Soft | No action taken | D03 |
065 | Soft | Decline | D03 |
063 | Hard | Sec Violation | D04 |
004 | Hard | Hold-call or pick up card | D04 |
007 | Hard | Hold-call or pick up card | D04 |
115 | Hard | Invalid card number | D05 |
014 | Hard | Card no. error | D05 |
078 | Hard | No account | D06 |
N7 | Soft | CVV2 mismatch | D08 |
082 | Soft | Incorrect CVV | D08 |
094 | Soft | Duplicate trans | D09 |
041 | Hard | Hold-call or pick up card | D10 |
043 | Hard | Hold-call or pick up card | D11 |
096 | Soft | System error | D12 |
058 | Soft | Serv not allowed | D12 |
057 | Soft | Serv not allowed | D12 |
R1 | Hard | Stop recurring | D13 |
054 | Hard | Expired card | D16 |
019 | Soft | Re Enter | D17 |
013 | Soft | Amount error | D18 |
202 | Soft | Invalid transction amount | D18 |
114 | Soft | Missing card holder account data | D20 |
TE | Soft | Bad merchant key | D20 |
206 | Hard | Transaction already refunded | D22 |
207 | Hard | Refund failed | D22 |
203 | Hard | Void failed | D27 |
106 | Hard | AVS ZIP length error | D27 |
012 | Hard | Invalid trans | D27 |
201 | Hard | Invalid transaction ID | D27 |
104 | Hard | Reference number length error | D27 |
TA | Hard | CT not allowed | D27 |
006 | Hard | Error NN | D27 |
113 | Hard | Reference number must be numeric | D27 |
204 | Hard | Transaction already settled | D27 |
102 | Hard | Incomplete request | D27 |
105 | Hard | AVS address length error | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
205 | Hard | Transaction already voided | D27 |
999 | Hard | Internal error | D27 |
103 | Hard | Invoice number length Error | D27 |
062 | Soft | Decline | D29 |
001 | Soft | Refer to Issuer | D30 |
002 | Soft | Refer to issuer special condition | D30 |
003 | Soft | Merch ID Error | D33 |
112 | Soft | Merchant phone length error | D34 |
109 | Soft | Merchant state length error | D34 |
101 | Soft | Invalid profile ID or profile key | D34 |
107 | Soft | Merchant name length error | D34 |
110 | Soft | Merchant ZIP length error | D34 |
111 | Soft | Merchant category code length error | D34 |
108 | Soft | Merchant City length error | D34 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
80 | Good | Approval for Purchase Amount Only | A01 |
00 | Good | Approved or completed successfully | A01 |
11 | Good | Partial Approval | A05 |
88 | Soft | MAC sync Error | D01 |
68 | Soft | Response received too late. | D01 |
85 | Soft | No Keys To Use | D01 |
92 | Soft | Invalid Issuer | D01 |
77 | Soft | Issuer Does Not Participate In The Service | D01 |
89 | Soft | Security Violation | D01 |
83 | Soft | Not declined (AVS Only) | D01 |
04 | Soft | Do not honour | D01 |
86 | Soft | K M E Sync Error | D01 |
93 | Soft | Transaction cannot be completed | D01 |
07 | Soft | Honour with ID | D01 |
84 | Soft | Invalid Life Cycle of transaction | D01 |
91 | Soft | Issuer not available | D01 |
05 | Soft | Do not honour | D01 |
94 | Soft | Invalid originator | D01 |
79 | Soft | Key Validation Error | D01 |
66 | Soft | Exceeds Acquirer Limit | D03 |
N4 | Soft | Cash Back Request Exceeds Issuer Limit | D03 |
51 | Soft | Not sufficient funds | D03 |
97 | Soft | No Funds Transfer | D03 |
65 | Soft | Exceeds frequency limit | D03 |
42 | Hard | Special Pickup | D04 |
43 | Hard | Hot Card, Pickup (if possible) | D04 |
44 | Hard | Pickup Card | D04 |
14 | Hard | Invalid card number | D05 |
61 | Hard | Exceeds amount limit | D05 |
21 | Hard | No To Account | D06 |
24 | Hard | No Credit Account | D06 |
22 | Hard | No Checking Account | D06 |
20 | Hard | No From Account | D06 |
76 | Hard | Invalid Account | D06 |
23 | Hard | No Saving Account | D06 |
55 | Soft | Incorrect PIN; Re-enter | D07 |
81 | Soft | Unable to Verify PIN | D07 |
87 | Soft | PIN Key Error | D07 |
82 | Soft | Invalid Card Verification Value | D08 |
N7 | Soft | N7 (visa), “Decline CVV2 failure | D08 |
99 | Soft | Duplicate Transaction | D09 |
41 | Hard | Lost Card, Pickup | D10 |
96 | Soft | System malfunction | D12 |
78 | Soft | Function Not Available | D12 |
N3 | Soft | Cash Service Not Available | D12 |
R3 | Hard | Revocation of all Authorisations Order | D13 |
R0 | Hard | Stop Payment Order | D13 |
R1 | Hard | Revocation of Authorisation Order | D13 |
54 | Hard | Expired card | D16 |
19 | Soft | System Error; Re-enter transaction | D17 |
13 | Soft | Invalid amount | D18 |
75 | Soft | Exceeds PIN Retry | D21 |
34 | Hard | Implausible card data | D27 |
98 | Hard | Duplicate Reversal | D27 |
58 | Hard | Txn Not Permitted On Term | D27 |
45 | Hard | Transaction Back Off | D27 |
09 | Hard | No Original | D27 |
39 | Hard | Transaction Not Allowed | D27 |
12 | Hard | Invalid transaction card / issuer / acquirer | D27 |
17 | Hard | Invalid Capture date (terminal business date) | D27 |
30 | Hard | Format error | D27 |
67 | Hard | Retain Card; no reason specified | D27 |
10 | Hard | Unable to Reverse | D27 |
57 | Hard | Transaction not permitted on card | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
62 | Soft | Restricted card | D29 |
02 | Soft | Refer to card issuer | D30 |
03 | Soft | Invalid merchant | D34 |
06 | Soft | Invalid Transaction for Terminal | D34 |
63 | Soft | MAC Key Error | D34 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |
08 | Soft | Time-Out | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
000.000.000 | Good | Transaction succeeded | A01 |
800.100.161 | Soft | Too many invalid tries | D01 |
100.396.101 | Soft | Transaction canceled by user | D01 |
100.100.501 | Soft | Invalid credit card brand | D01 |
800.800.800 | Soft | Acquiring bank is currently not available. Please contact with your processor in case this error persists. | D01 |
800.100.154 | Soft | Transaction marked as invalid | D01 |
100.200.103 | Soft | Bank account has invalid bankcode/name account number combination | D01 |
800.200.101 | Soft | Creditcard / bank account declined by clearing house | D01 |
100.396.102 | Soft | Not confirmed by user | D01 |
100.395.502 | Soft | Acquirer/Bank reported timeout on online transfer transaction | D01 |
800.100.173 | Soft | Invalid currency, not processed by authorization center | D01 |
800.100.150 | Soft | Refund on gambling tx not allowed | D01 |
800.100.169 | Soft | Card type is not processed by the authorization center | D01 |
800.100.158 | Soft | Suspecting manipulation | D01 |
000.200.000 | Soft | Transaction pending | D01 |
100.500.201 | Soft | Payment type invalid | D01 |
800.100.164 | Soft | Merchants limit exceeded | D01 |
800.100.152 | Soft | Transaction declined by authorization system | D01 |
800.100.157 | Hard | Wrong expiry date | D02 |
800.100.162 | Soft | Limit exceeded | D03 |
800.100.155 | Soft | Amount exceeds credit | D03 |
800.100.160 | Hard | Card blocked | D04 |
800.100.171 | Hard | Pick up card | D04 |
100.100.101 | Hard | Invalid creditcard, bank account number or bank name | D05 |
800.100.151 | Hard | Invalid card | D05 |
100.100.100 | Hard | Request contains no creditcard, bank account number or bank name | D05 |
800.100.172 | Hard | Account blocked | D06 |
800.100.166 | Soft | Incorrect personal identification number | D07 |
800.100.192 | Soft | Invalid CVV, amount is reserved on card for a few days | D08 |
800.100.153 | Soft | Invalid CVV | D08 |
800.110.100 | Soft | Duplicate transaction | D09 |
800.100.165 | Hard | Card lost | D10 |
800.100.159 | Hard | Stolen card | D11 |
900.100.200 | Soft | Error response from connector/acquirer | D12 |
900.100.201 | Soft | Serious error on gateway | D12 |
800.800.810 | Soft | You are connecting from an unknown Server IP address. Please contact to your processor. | D12 |
900.100.100 | Soft | Unexpected communication error with connector/acquirer | D12 |
800.800.800 | Soft | Acquiring bank is currently not available. Please contact with your processor in case this error persists. | D12 |
100.550.301 | Soft | Amount is too large | D18 |
800.100.174 | Soft | Amount field should not be empty | D18 |
700.100.200 | Soft | Non matching reference amount | D18 |
100.550.303 | Soft | Amount format invalid (only two decimals allowed) | D18 |
700.100.300 | Soft | Invalid amount (probably too large) | D18 |
800.100.195 | Soft | UserAccount Number/ID unknown | D20 |
800.100.190 | Soft | Invalid configuration data | D20 |
700.300.700 | Hard | Referenced transaction can not be reversed (reversal not possible anymore) | D22 |
700.300.300 | Hard | Referenced transaction can not be refunded, captured or reversed (already refunded,captured or reversed) | D22 |
800.800.820 | Hard | Invalid HTTP authentication parameters (username or password wrong). Please contact to your processor. | D27 |
900.200.100 | Hard | Message Sequence Number of Connector out of sync | D27 |
800.100.196 | Hard | Registration error | D27 |
800.400.110 | Hard | AVS Check Failed. Amount is reserved on card for a few days. | D27 |
800.100.156 | Hard | Format error | D27 |
800.100.191 | Hard | Transaction in wrong state on aquirer side | D27 |
100.800.501 | Hard | Invalid country | D27 |
800.100.163 | Hard | Maximum transaction frequency exceeded | D27 |
800.100.167 | Hard | Referencing transaction does not match | D27 |
200.100.101 | Hard | Invalid Request Message. No valid XML. XML must be url-encoded! maybe it contains a not encoded ampersand or something similar. | D27 |
800.100.100 | Hard | For unknown reason | D27 |
100.550.401 | Hard | Currency field is invalid | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
900.300.600 | Hard | User session timeout | D27 |
100.900.500 | Hard | Invalid reccurence mode | D27 |
800.400.100 | Hard | AVS Check Failed | D27 |
900.100.202 | Hard | Invalid transaction flow, the requested function is not applicable for the referenced | D27 |
800.100.170 | Hard | Transaction not permitted | D27 |
100.700.801 | Hard | Identity contains no or invalid identification value | D27 |
800.100.168 | Soft | Restricted card | D29 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |
900.100.300 | Soft | No response from connector/acquirer [uncertain result] | E02 |
900.100.600 | Soft | Connector/acquirer currently down | E02 |
900.100.400 | Soft | Timeout at connectors/acquirer side | E02 |
900.100.500 | Soft | Timeout at connectors/acquirer side (try later) | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
00 | Good | Authorized | A01 |
05 | Soft | Authorization declined | D01 |
99 | Soft | Error in PAC encryption detected | D01 |
40 | Soft | Invalid function | D01 |
92 | Soft | The card type is not processed by the authorization center | D01 |
97 | Soft | Security breach – MAC check indicates error condition | D01 |
57 | Soft | The referencing transaction (e.g. reversal request) was not carried out with the card which was used for the original transaction | D01 |
21 | Soft | No action taken | D01 |
98 | Soft | Date and time not plausible | D01 |
81 | Soft | Message flow error | D01 |
34 | Soft | Suspicion of manipulation | D01 |
91 | Soft | Card Issuer temporarily not reachable | D01 |
56 | Hard | Card not in authorizer’s database | D05 |
14 | Hard | Invalid card number | D05 |
77 | Soft | PIN entry necessary | D07 |
55 | Soft | Incorrect PIN | D07 |
94 | Soft | Data has been transmitted twice | D09 |
43 | Hard | Stolen card, pick up | D10 |
82 | Soft | Authorization center not available for 60 seconds | D12 |
83 | Soft | Authorization center not available for 300 seconds | D12 |
79 | Hard | Revocation of authorization order. | D13 |
78 | Hard | Stop payment order | D13 |
33 | Hard | Card expired | D16 |
13 | Soft | Invalid amount | D18 |
64 | Soft | The transaction amount of the referencing transaction differs from the transaction amount of the original transaction | D18 |
75 | Soft | PIN entered incorrectly too often | D21 |
96 | Soft | Processing temporarily not possible | D26 |
30 | Hard | Invalid format | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
04 | Hard | Retain card | D27 |
12 | Hard | Invalid transaction | D27 |
62 | Soft | Restricted card | D29 |
02 | Soft | Call AS call number | D30 |
03 | Soft | Invalid merchant number | D33 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |
Code | Type | Message | CSI Pay Code |
0000 | Good | The transaction has been accepted. | A01 |
4002 | Soft | Insufficient funds | D01 |
4005 | Soft | Suspected fraud | D01 |
4008 | Soft | 3DSecure authentication failed | D01 |
4003 | Soft | Card refused by the bank network | D01 |
4001 | Soft | Transaction refused by the bank network | D01 |
4009 | Soft | Expired 3DSecure authentication | D01 |
4004 | Soft | Aborted transaction | D01 |
4002 | Soft | Insufficient funds | D03 |
4012 | Hard | Card data invalid | D05 |
4011 | Soft | Duplicated transaction | D09 |
4006 | Hard | Card lost | D10 |
4007 | Hard | Stolen Card | D11 |
5001 | Soft | Exchange protocol failure | D12 |
5004 | Soft | Time out, the answer will come from the notification URL | D12 |
5002 | Soft | Bank network error | D12 |
5003 | Soft | Undergoing maintenance | D12 |
2007 | Soft | Invalid capture amount | D18 |
2008 | Soft | Invalid refund amount | D18 |
2004 | Hard | Reference transaction not found | D22 |
2003 | Hard | Non refundable reference transaction | D22 |
2005 | Soft | Not able to capture the reference authorization | D26 |
2006 | Hard | Unfinished reference transaction | D27 |
1002 | Hard | Invalid parameter X | D27 |
6002 | Hard | Transaction declined | D27 |
2009 | Hard | Authorization has expired | D27 |
2001 | Hard | Alias not found | D27 |
3001 | Hard | Account deactivated | D27 |
1003 | Hard | HASH error | D27 |
4010 | Hard | Invalid transaction | D27 |
6003 | Hard | Cardholder already disputed a transaction | D27 |
6001 | Hard | Transaction declined by merchant | D27 |
3003 | Hard | Unauthorized transaction | D27 |
2002 | Hard | Unsuccessful reference transaction | D27 |
4013 | Hard | Transaction not allowed by bank network to this card holder | D27 |
1000001 | Hard | Transaction Error | D27 |
1001 | Hard | Parameter X missing | D27 |
1005 | Hard | Unsupported protocol | D27 |
6004 | Hard | Transaction declined by merchant’s rules | D27 |
3002 | Hard | Unauthorized server IP address | D27 |
E02 | Soft | Processing Network Unavailable | E02 |