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PayVision   (real-time) Response Codes:

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
000 Good Accepted A01
162 Soft DCC cardholder currency not supported D01
907 Soft Issuer not responding D01
165 Soft DCC not allowed to merchant D01
118 Soft Unknown card D01
201 Soft Card not valid D01
204 Soft Limited card D01
163 Soft DCC exceeds time limit for withdrawal D01
102 Soft Suspected card forgery (fraud) D01
166 Soft DCC unknown error D01
129 Soft Suspected fraud D01
207 Soft Special occasion D01
119 Soft Transaction not allowed to cardholder D01
202 Soft Suspected card forgery (fraud) D01
161 Soft DCC transaction not allowed to cardholder D01
125 Soft Card not valid D01
100 Soft Do not honor (Not accepted) D01
205 Soft Merchant contact police D01
164 Soft DCC transaction not allowed to terminal D01
200 Soft No not honor D01
130 Soft Invalid Track2 D01
210 Soft Suspected fraud D01
120 Soft Transaction not allowed to terminal D01
131 Hard Invalid Expiration Date D02
121 Soft Exceeds limits to withdrawal D03
116 Soft Not sufficient funds D03
111 Hard Invalid card number D05
112 Soft PIN required D07
126 Soft False PIN block D07
117 Soft Invalid PIN D07
913 Soft Double transaction transmission D09
208 Hard Lost Card D10
910 Soft Issuer did not respond D12
908 Soft Message can not be routed D12
911 Soft Issuer timed out D12
209 Soft Stolen Card D12
909 Soft System error D12
912 Soft Issuer not reachable D12
101 Hard Expired card D16
110 Soft Invalid amount D18
206 Soft Allowed PIN-retries exceeded D21
106 Soft Allowed PIN retries exceeded D21
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
954 Hard Batch not closed D27
951 Hard Batch already closed D27
902 Hard False transaction D27
952 Hard Invalid batch number D27
914 Hard Original transaction can not be traced D27
953 Hard Host timeout D27
904 Hard Form error D27
950 Hard No financial record found for detail data D27
956 Hard Transaction number not unique D27
104 Soft Restricted card D29
203 Soft Merchant contact acquirer D30
103 Soft Merchant call acquirer D30
955 Soft Merchant not active D34
916 Soft Merchant not found D34
109 Soft Merchant not identified D34
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
00 Good Authorized A01
0 Good Approved A01
21 Soft No action taken D01
57 Soft The referencing transaction (e.g. reversal request) was not carried out with the card which was used for the original transaction D01
99 Soft Error in PAC encryption detected D01
34 Soft Suspicion of manipulation D01
92 Soft The card type is not processed by the authorization center D01
97 Soft Security breach – MAC check indicates error condition D01
40 Soft Invalid function D01
05 Soft Authorization declined D01
98 Soft Date and time not plausible D01
81 Soft Message flow error D01
91 Soft Card Issuer temporarily not reachable D01
56 Hard Card not in authorizer’s database D05
14 Hard Invalid card number D05
55 Soft Incorrect PIN D07
77 Soft PIN entry necessary D07
94 Soft Data has been transmitted twice D09
43 Hard Stolen card, pick up D10
82 Soft Authorization center not available for 60 seconds D12
83 Soft Authorization center not available for 300 seconds D12
78 Hard Stop payment order: the transaction was declined or returned because the cardholder requested that payment of a specific recurring or installment-payment transaction be stopped. D13
79 Hard Revocation of authorization order: the transaction was declined or returned because the cardholder requested that payment of all recurring or installment-payment transactions for a specific merchant account be stopped D13
33 Hard Card expired D16
64 Soft The transaction amount of the referencing transaction differs from the transaction amount of the original transaction D18
04 Soft Retain card D19
13 Soft Invalid amount D20
03 Soft Invalid merchant number D20
75 Soft PIN entered incorrectly too often D21
96 Soft Processing temporarily not possible D26
30 Hard Invalid format D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
12 Hard Invalid transaction D27
62 Soft Restricted card D29
02 Soft Call AS call number D30

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
00 Good Approval A01
76 Good Approval A01
85 Good AVS Accepted A05
10 Good Apprv Lesser Amt A05
NQ Soft Tran Ct Excd Lmt D03
05 Soft Declined D03
NU Soft Declined D03
51 Soft Declined D03
N3 Soft Invld Acct2 D03
61 Soft Amt Excceds Lmt D03
14 Hard Inv Acct Num D05
55 Soft Incorrect PIN D07
C2 Soft CVV2 Declined D08
94 Soft Duplicate Tran D09
63 Soft Serv Not Allowed D12
54 Hard Do not try again D16
NH Soft Enter Lesser Amt D18
13 Soft Inv Amt D18
NJ Soft Inv Cashback Amt D19
03 Soft Declined D20
NP Soft Dbtsw inv merid D20
75 Soft PIN Retry Max D21
NG Hard Rev Rejected D27
57 Hard Tran Not Allowed D27
NN Hard Undefined Card D27
NR Hard Resub Excds Lmt D27
60 Hard Hold-Call Ctr D27
69 Hard Host Key Error D27
01 Hard Referral D27
VC Hard ** ETC DATA ** D27
12 Hard Inv tran D27
NI Hard PIN Xlate Error D27
03 Soft Invld Mer ID D33
89 Soft Invalid Term ID D33
25 Soft Inv Terminal D33
NM Soft Issuer Unav E02
NS Soft Dbtsw Pin Xl Err E02
NK Soft Crypto Box Unav E02
91 Soft Please Retry E02
28 Soft Please Retry E02
CE Soft System Problem E02
NL Soft Dbt Switch Unavl E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
085 Good Card OK A01
000 Good No Errors – Transaction Approved A01
TC Soft Retry bad addr D01
093 Soft Decline D01
015 Soft No such issuer D01
080 Soft Date error D01
TD Soft Rev not allowed D01
091 Soft No Reply D01
116 Soft Credits not allowed D01
092 Soft Invalid routing D01
076 Soft Unsolic reversal D01
079 Soft Already reversed D01
117 Soft Card type not accepted D01
005 Soft Decline D01
021 Soft No action taken D01
TB Hard Reenter exp date D02
051 Soft Decline D03
077 Soft No action taken D03
065 Soft Decline D03
063 Hard Sec Violation D04
004 Hard Hold-call or pick up card D04
007 Hard Hold-call or pick up card D04
115 Hard Invalid card number D05
014 Hard Card no. error D05
078 Hard No account D06
N7 Soft CVV2 mismatch D08
082 Soft Incorrect CVV D08
094 Soft Duplicate trans D09
041 Hard Hold-call or pick up card D10
043 Hard Hold-call or pick up card D11
096 Soft System error D12
058 Soft Serv not allowed D12
057 Soft Serv not allowed D12
R1 Hard Stop recurring D13
054 Hard Expired card D16
019 Soft Re Enter D17
013 Soft Amount error D18
202 Soft Invalid transction amount D18
114 Soft Missing card holder account data D20
TE Soft Bad merchant key D20
206 Hard Transaction already refunded D22
207 Hard Refund failed D22
203 Hard Void failed D27
106 Hard AVS ZIP length error D27
012 Hard Invalid trans D27
201 Hard Invalid transaction ID D27
104 Hard Reference number length error D27
TA Hard CT not allowed D27
006 Hard Error NN D27
113 Hard Reference number must be numeric D27
204 Hard Transaction already settled D27
102 Hard Incomplete request D27
105 Hard AVS address length error D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
205 Hard Transaction already voided D27
999 Hard Internal error D27
103 Hard Invoice number length Error D27
062 Soft Decline D29
001 Soft Refer to Issuer D30
002 Soft Refer to issuer special condition D30
003 Soft Merch ID Error D33
112 Soft Merchant phone length error D34
109 Soft Merchant state length error D34
101 Soft Invalid profile ID or profile key D34
107 Soft Merchant name length error D34
110 Soft Merchant ZIP length error D34
111 Soft Merchant category code length error D34
108 Soft Merchant City length error D34
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
80 Good Approval for Purchase Amount Only A01
00 Good Approved or completed successfully A01
11 Good Partial Approval A05
88 Soft MAC sync Error D01
68 Soft Response received too late. D01
85 Soft No Keys To Use D01
92 Soft Invalid Issuer D01
77 Soft Issuer Does Not Participate In The Service D01
89 Soft Security Violation D01
83 Soft Not declined (AVS Only) D01
04 Soft Do not honour D01
86 Soft K M E Sync Error D01
93 Soft Transaction cannot be completed D01
07 Soft Honour with ID D01
84 Soft Invalid Life Cycle of transaction D01
91 Soft Issuer not available D01
05 Soft Do not honour D01
94 Soft Invalid originator D01
79 Soft Key Validation Error D01
66 Soft Exceeds Acquirer Limit D03
N4 Soft Cash Back Request Exceeds Issuer Limit D03
51 Soft Not sufficient funds D03
97 Soft No Funds Transfer D03
65 Soft Exceeds frequency limit D03
42 Hard Special Pickup D04
43 Hard Hot Card, Pickup (if possible) D04
44 Hard Pickup Card D04
14 Hard Invalid card number D05
61 Hard Exceeds amount limit D05
21 Hard No To Account D06
24 Hard No Credit Account D06
22 Hard No Checking Account D06
20 Hard No From Account D06
76 Hard Invalid Account D06
23 Hard No Saving Account D06
55 Soft Incorrect PIN; Re-enter D07
81 Soft Unable to Verify PIN D07
87 Soft PIN Key Error D07
82 Soft Invalid Card Verification Value D08
N7 Soft N7 (visa), “Decline CVV2 failure D08
99 Soft Duplicate Transaction D09
41 Hard Lost Card, Pickup D10
96 Soft System malfunction D12
78 Soft Function Not Available D12
N3 Soft Cash Service Not Available D12
R3 Hard Revocation of all Authorisations Order D13
R0 Hard Stop Payment Order D13
R1 Hard Revocation of Authorisation Order D13
54 Hard Expired card D16
19 Soft System Error; Re-enter transaction D17
13 Soft Invalid amount D18
75 Soft Exceeds PIN Retry D21
34 Hard Implausible card data D27
98 Hard Duplicate Reversal D27
58 Hard Txn Not Permitted On Term D27
45 Hard Transaction Back Off D27
09 Hard No Original D27
39 Hard Transaction Not Allowed D27
12 Hard Invalid transaction card / issuer / acquirer D27
17 Hard Invalid Capture date (terminal business date) D27
30 Hard Format error D27
67 Hard Retain Card; no reason specified D27
10 Hard Unable to Reverse D27
57 Hard Transaction not permitted on card D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
62 Soft Restricted card D29
02 Soft Refer to card issuer D30
03 Soft Invalid merchant D34
06 Soft Invalid Transaction for Terminal D34
63 Soft MAC Key Error D34
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02
08 Soft Time-Out E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
000.000.000 Good Transaction succeeded A01
800.100.161 Soft Too many invalid tries D01
100.396.101 Soft Transaction canceled by user D01
100.100.501 Soft Invalid credit card brand D01
800.800.800 Soft Acquiring bank is currently not available. Please contact with your processor in case this error persists. D01
800.100.154 Soft Transaction marked as invalid D01
100.200.103 Soft Bank account has invalid bankcode/name account number combination D01
800.200.101 Soft Creditcard / bank account declined by clearing house D01
100.396.102 Soft Not confirmed by user D01
100.395.502 Soft Acquirer/Bank reported timeout on online transfer transaction D01
800.100.173 Soft Invalid currency, not processed by authorization center D01
800.100.150 Soft Refund on gambling tx not allowed D01
800.100.169 Soft Card type is not processed by the authorization center D01
800.100.158 Soft Suspecting manipulation D01
000.200.000 Soft Transaction pending D01
100.500.201 Soft Payment type invalid D01
800.100.164 Soft Merchants limit exceeded D01
800.100.152 Soft Transaction declined by authorization system D01
800.100.157 Hard Wrong expiry date D02
800.100.162 Soft Limit exceeded D03
800.100.155 Soft Amount exceeds credit D03
800.100.160 Hard Card blocked D04
800.100.171 Hard Pick up card D04
100.100.101 Hard Invalid creditcard, bank account number or bank name D05
800.100.151 Hard Invalid card D05
100.100.100 Hard Request contains no creditcard, bank account number or bank name D05
800.100.172 Hard Account blocked D06
800.100.166 Soft Incorrect personal identification number D07
800.100.192 Soft Invalid CVV, amount is reserved on card for a few days D08
800.100.153 Soft Invalid CVV D08
800.110.100 Soft Duplicate transaction D09
800.100.165 Hard Card lost D10
800.100.159 Hard Stolen card D11
900.100.200 Soft Error response from connector/acquirer D12
900.100.201 Soft Serious error on gateway D12
800.800.810 Soft You are connecting from an unknown Server IP address. Please contact to your processor. D12
900.100.100 Soft Unexpected communication error with connector/acquirer D12
800.800.800 Soft Acquiring bank is currently not available. Please contact with your processor in case this error persists. D12
100.550.301 Soft Amount is too large D18
800.100.174 Soft Amount field should not be empty D18
700.100.200 Soft Non matching reference amount D18
100.550.303 Soft Amount format invalid (only two decimals allowed) D18
700.100.300 Soft Invalid amount (probably too large) D18
800.100.195 Soft UserAccount Number/ID unknown D20
800.100.190 Soft Invalid configuration data D20
700.300.700 Hard Referenced transaction can not be reversed (reversal not possible anymore) D22
700.300.300 Hard Referenced transaction can not be refunded, captured or reversed (already refunded,captured or reversed) D22
800.800.820 Hard Invalid HTTP authentication parameters (username or password wrong). Please contact to your processor. D27
900.200.100 Hard Message Sequence Number of Connector out of sync D27
800.100.196 Hard Registration error D27
800.400.110 Hard AVS Check Failed. Amount is reserved on card for a few days. D27
800.100.156 Hard Format error D27
800.100.191 Hard Transaction in wrong state on aquirer side D27
100.800.501 Hard Invalid country D27
800.100.163 Hard Maximum transaction frequency exceeded D27
800.100.167 Hard Referencing transaction does not match D27
200.100.101 Hard Invalid Request Message. No valid XML. XML must be url-encoded! maybe it contains a not encoded ampersand or something similar. D27
800.100.100 Hard For unknown reason D27
100.550.401 Hard Currency field is invalid D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
900.300.600 Hard User session timeout D27
100.900.500 Hard Invalid reccurence mode D27
800.400.100 Hard AVS Check Failed D27
900.100.202 Hard Invalid transaction flow, the requested function is not applicable for the referenced D27
800.100.170 Hard Transaction not permitted D27
100.700.801 Hard Identity contains no or invalid identification value D27
800.100.168 Soft Restricted card D29
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02
900.100.300 Soft No response from connector/acquirer [uncertain result] E02
900.100.600 Soft Connector/acquirer currently down E02
900.100.400 Soft Timeout at connectors/acquirer side E02
900.100.500 Soft Timeout at connectors/acquirer side (try later) E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
00 Good Authorized A01
05 Soft Authorization declined D01
99 Soft Error in PAC encryption detected D01
40 Soft Invalid function D01
92 Soft The card type is not processed by the authorization center D01
97 Soft Security breach – MAC check indicates error condition D01
57 Soft The referencing transaction (e.g. reversal request) was not carried out with the card which was used for the original transaction D01
21 Soft No action taken D01
98 Soft Date and time not plausible D01
81 Soft Message flow error D01
34 Soft Suspicion of manipulation D01
91 Soft Card Issuer temporarily not reachable D01
56 Hard Card not in authorizer’s database D05
14 Hard Invalid card number D05
77 Soft PIN entry necessary D07
55 Soft Incorrect PIN D07
94 Soft Data has been transmitted twice D09
43 Hard Stolen card, pick up D10
82 Soft Authorization center not available for 60 seconds D12
83 Soft Authorization center not available for 300 seconds D12
79 Hard Revocation of authorization order. D13
78 Hard Stop payment order D13
33 Hard Card expired D16
13 Soft Invalid amount D18
64 Soft The transaction amount of the referencing transaction differs from the transaction amount of the original transaction D18
75 Soft PIN entered incorrectly too often D21
96 Soft Processing temporarily not possible D26
30 Hard Invalid format D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
04 Hard Retain card D27
12 Hard Invalid transaction D27
62 Soft Restricted card D29
02 Soft Call AS call number D30
03 Soft Invalid merchant number D33
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
0000 Good The transaction has been accepted. A01
4002 Soft Insufficient funds D01
4005 Soft Suspected fraud D01
4008 Soft 3DSecure authentication failed D01
4003 Soft Card refused by the bank network D01
4001 Soft Transaction refused by the bank network D01
4009 Soft Expired 3DSecure authentication D01
4004 Soft Aborted transaction D01
4002 Soft Insufficient funds D03
4012 Hard Card data invalid D05
4011 Soft Duplicated transaction D09
4006 Hard Card lost D10
4007 Hard Stolen Card D11
5001 Soft Exchange protocol failure D12
5004 Soft Time out, the answer will come from the notification URL D12
5002 Soft Bank network error D12
5003 Soft Undergoing maintenance D12
2007 Soft Invalid capture amount D18
2008 Soft Invalid refund amount D18
2004 Hard Reference transaction not found D22
2003 Hard Non refundable reference transaction D22
2005 Soft Not able to capture the reference authorization D26
2006 Hard Unfinished reference transaction D27
1002 Hard Invalid parameter X D27
6002 Hard Transaction declined D27
2009 Hard Authorization has expired D27
2001 Hard Alias not found D27
3001 Hard Account deactivated D27
1003 Hard HASH error D27
4010 Hard Invalid transaction D27
6003 Hard Cardholder already disputed a transaction D27
6001 Hard Transaction declined by merchant D27
3003 Hard Unauthorized transaction D27
2002 Hard Unsuccessful reference transaction D27
4013 Hard Transaction not allowed by bank network to this card holder D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
1001 Hard Parameter X missing D27
1005 Hard Unsupported protocol D27
6004 Hard Transaction declined by merchant’s rules D27
3002 Hard Unauthorized server IP address D27
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02

PayVision   (real-time) Response Codes:

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
000 Good Accepted A01
162 Soft DCC cardholder currency not supported D01
907 Soft Issuer not responding D01
165 Soft DCC not allowed to merchant D01
118 Soft Unknown card D01
201 Soft Card not valid D01
204 Soft Limited card D01
163 Soft DCC exceeds time limit for withdrawal D01
102 Soft Suspected card forgery (fraud) D01
166 Soft DCC unknown error D01
129 Soft Suspected fraud D01
207 Soft Special occasion D01
119 Soft Transaction not allowed to cardholder D01
202 Soft Suspected card forgery (fraud) D01
161 Soft DCC transaction not allowed to cardholder D01
125 Soft Card not valid D01
100 Soft Do not honor (Not accepted) D01
205 Soft Merchant contact police D01
164 Soft DCC transaction not allowed to terminal D01
200 Soft No not honor D01
130 Soft Invalid Track2 D01
210 Soft Suspected fraud D01
120 Soft Transaction not allowed to terminal D01
131 Hard Invalid Expiration Date D02
121 Soft Exceeds limits to withdrawal D03
116 Soft Not sufficient funds D03
111 Hard Invalid card number D05
112 Soft PIN required D07
126 Soft False PIN block D07
117 Soft Invalid PIN D07
913 Soft Double transaction transmission D09
208 Hard Lost Card D10
910 Soft Issuer did not respond D12
908 Soft Message can not be routed D12
911 Soft Issuer timed out D12
209 Soft Stolen Card D12
909 Soft System error D12
912 Soft Issuer not reachable D12
101 Hard Expired card D16
110 Soft Invalid amount D18
206 Soft Allowed PIN-retries exceeded D21
106 Soft Allowed PIN retries exceeded D21
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
954 Hard Batch not closed D27
951 Hard Batch already closed D27
902 Hard False transaction D27
952 Hard Invalid batch number D27
914 Hard Original transaction can not be traced D27
953 Hard Host timeout D27
904 Hard Form error D27
950 Hard No financial record found for detail data D27
956 Hard Transaction number not unique D27
104 Soft Restricted card D29
203 Soft Merchant contact acquirer D30
103 Soft Merchant call acquirer D30
955 Soft Merchant not active D34
916 Soft Merchant not found D34
109 Soft Merchant not identified D34
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
00 Good Authorized A01
0 Good Approved A01
21 Soft No action taken D01
57 Soft The referencing transaction (e.g. reversal request) was not carried out with the card which was used for the original transaction D01
99 Soft Error in PAC encryption detected D01
34 Soft Suspicion of manipulation D01
92 Soft The card type is not processed by the authorization center D01
97 Soft Security breach – MAC check indicates error condition D01
40 Soft Invalid function D01
05 Soft Authorization declined D01
98 Soft Date and time not plausible D01
81 Soft Message flow error D01
91 Soft Card Issuer temporarily not reachable D01
56 Hard Card not in authorizer’s database D05
14 Hard Invalid card number D05
55 Soft Incorrect PIN D07
77 Soft PIN entry necessary D07
94 Soft Data has been transmitted twice D09
43 Hard Stolen card, pick up D10
82 Soft Authorization center not available for 60 seconds D12
83 Soft Authorization center not available for 300 seconds D12
78 Hard Stop payment order: the transaction was declined or returned because the cardholder requested that payment of a specific recurring or installment-payment transaction be stopped. D13
79 Hard Revocation of authorization order: the transaction was declined or returned because the cardholder requested that payment of all recurring or installment-payment transactions for a specific merchant account be stopped D13
33 Hard Card expired D16
64 Soft The transaction amount of the referencing transaction differs from the transaction amount of the original transaction D18
04 Soft Retain card D19
13 Soft Invalid amount D20
03 Soft Invalid merchant number D20
75 Soft PIN entered incorrectly too often D21
96 Soft Processing temporarily not possible D26
30 Hard Invalid format D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
12 Hard Invalid transaction D27
62 Soft Restricted card D29
02 Soft Call AS call number D30

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
00 Good Approval A01
76 Good Approval A01
85 Good AVS Accepted A05
10 Good Apprv Lesser Amt A05
NQ Soft Tran Ct Excd Lmt D03
05 Soft Declined D03
NU Soft Declined D03
51 Soft Declined D03
N3 Soft Invld Acct2 D03
61 Soft Amt Excceds Lmt D03
14 Hard Inv Acct Num D05
55 Soft Incorrect PIN D07
C2 Soft CVV2 Declined D08
94 Soft Duplicate Tran D09
63 Soft Serv Not Allowed D12
54 Hard Do not try again D16
NH Soft Enter Lesser Amt D18
13 Soft Inv Amt D18
NJ Soft Inv Cashback Amt D19
03 Soft Declined D20
NP Soft Dbtsw inv merid D20
75 Soft PIN Retry Max D21
NG Hard Rev Rejected D27
57 Hard Tran Not Allowed D27
NN Hard Undefined Card D27
NR Hard Resub Excds Lmt D27
60 Hard Hold-Call Ctr D27
69 Hard Host Key Error D27
01 Hard Referral D27
VC Hard ** ETC DATA ** D27
12 Hard Inv tran D27
NI Hard PIN Xlate Error D27
03 Soft Invld Mer ID D33
89 Soft Invalid Term ID D33
25 Soft Inv Terminal D33
NM Soft Issuer Unav E02
NS Soft Dbtsw Pin Xl Err E02
NK Soft Crypto Box Unav E02
91 Soft Please Retry E02
28 Soft Please Retry E02
CE Soft System Problem E02
NL Soft Dbt Switch Unavl E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
085 Good Card OK A01
000 Good No Errors – Transaction Approved A01
TC Soft Retry bad addr D01
093 Soft Decline D01
015 Soft No such issuer D01
080 Soft Date error D01
TD Soft Rev not allowed D01
091 Soft No Reply D01
116 Soft Credits not allowed D01
092 Soft Invalid routing D01
076 Soft Unsolic reversal D01
079 Soft Already reversed D01
117 Soft Card type not accepted D01
005 Soft Decline D01
021 Soft No action taken D01
TB Hard Reenter exp date D02
051 Soft Decline D03
077 Soft No action taken D03
065 Soft Decline D03
063 Hard Sec Violation D04
004 Hard Hold-call or pick up card D04
007 Hard Hold-call or pick up card D04
115 Hard Invalid card number D05
014 Hard Card no. error D05
078 Hard No account D06
N7 Soft CVV2 mismatch D08
082 Soft Incorrect CVV D08
094 Soft Duplicate trans D09
041 Hard Hold-call or pick up card D10
043 Hard Hold-call or pick up card D11
096 Soft System error D12
058 Soft Serv not allowed D12
057 Soft Serv not allowed D12
R1 Hard Stop recurring D13
054 Hard Expired card D16
019 Soft Re Enter D17
013 Soft Amount error D18
202 Soft Invalid transction amount D18
114 Soft Missing card holder account data D20
TE Soft Bad merchant key D20
206 Hard Transaction already refunded D22
207 Hard Refund failed D22
203 Hard Void failed D27
106 Hard AVS ZIP length error D27
012 Hard Invalid trans D27
201 Hard Invalid transaction ID D27
104 Hard Reference number length error D27
TA Hard CT not allowed D27
006 Hard Error NN D27
113 Hard Reference number must be numeric D27
204 Hard Transaction already settled D27
102 Hard Incomplete request D27
105 Hard AVS address length error D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
205 Hard Transaction already voided D27
999 Hard Internal error D27
103 Hard Invoice number length Error D27
062 Soft Decline D29
001 Soft Refer to Issuer D30
002 Soft Refer to issuer special condition D30
003 Soft Merch ID Error D33
112 Soft Merchant phone length error D34
109 Soft Merchant state length error D34
101 Soft Invalid profile ID or profile key D34
107 Soft Merchant name length error D34
110 Soft Merchant ZIP length error D34
111 Soft Merchant category code length error D34
108 Soft Merchant City length error D34
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
80 Good Approval for Purchase Amount Only A01
00 Good Approved or completed successfully A01
11 Good Partial Approval A05
88 Soft MAC sync Error D01
68 Soft Response received too late. D01
85 Soft No Keys To Use D01
92 Soft Invalid Issuer D01
77 Soft Issuer Does Not Participate In The Service D01
89 Soft Security Violation D01
83 Soft Not declined (AVS Only) D01
04 Soft Do not honour D01
86 Soft K M E Sync Error D01
93 Soft Transaction cannot be completed D01
07 Soft Honour with ID D01
84 Soft Invalid Life Cycle of transaction D01
91 Soft Issuer not available D01
05 Soft Do not honour D01
94 Soft Invalid originator D01
79 Soft Key Validation Error D01
66 Soft Exceeds Acquirer Limit D03
N4 Soft Cash Back Request Exceeds Issuer Limit D03
51 Soft Not sufficient funds D03
97 Soft No Funds Transfer D03
65 Soft Exceeds frequency limit D03
42 Hard Special Pickup D04
43 Hard Hot Card, Pickup (if possible) D04
44 Hard Pickup Card D04
14 Hard Invalid card number D05
61 Hard Exceeds amount limit D05
21 Hard No To Account D06
24 Hard No Credit Account D06
22 Hard No Checking Account D06
20 Hard No From Account D06
76 Hard Invalid Account D06
23 Hard No Saving Account D06
55 Soft Incorrect PIN; Re-enter D07
81 Soft Unable to Verify PIN D07
87 Soft PIN Key Error D07
82 Soft Invalid Card Verification Value D08
N7 Soft N7 (visa), “Decline CVV2 failure D08
99 Soft Duplicate Transaction D09
41 Hard Lost Card, Pickup D10
96 Soft System malfunction D12
78 Soft Function Not Available D12
N3 Soft Cash Service Not Available D12
R3 Hard Revocation of all Authorisations Order D13
R0 Hard Stop Payment Order D13
R1 Hard Revocation of Authorisation Order D13
54 Hard Expired card D16
19 Soft System Error; Re-enter transaction D17
13 Soft Invalid amount D18
75 Soft Exceeds PIN Retry D21
34 Hard Implausible card data D27
98 Hard Duplicate Reversal D27
58 Hard Txn Not Permitted On Term D27
45 Hard Transaction Back Off D27
09 Hard No Original D27
39 Hard Transaction Not Allowed D27
12 Hard Invalid transaction card / issuer / acquirer D27
17 Hard Invalid Capture date (terminal business date) D27
30 Hard Format error D27
67 Hard Retain Card; no reason specified D27
10 Hard Unable to Reverse D27
57 Hard Transaction not permitted on card D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
62 Soft Restricted card D29
02 Soft Refer to card issuer D30
03 Soft Invalid merchant D34
06 Soft Invalid Transaction for Terminal D34
63 Soft MAC Key Error D34
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02
08 Soft Time-Out E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
000.000.000 Good Transaction succeeded A01
800.100.161 Soft Too many invalid tries D01
100.396.101 Soft Transaction canceled by user D01
100.100.501 Soft Invalid credit card brand D01
800.800.800 Soft Acquiring bank is currently not available. Please contact with your processor in case this error persists. D01
800.100.154 Soft Transaction marked as invalid D01
100.200.103 Soft Bank account has invalid bankcode/name account number combination D01
800.200.101 Soft Creditcard / bank account declined by clearing house D01
100.396.102 Soft Not confirmed by user D01
100.395.502 Soft Acquirer/Bank reported timeout on online transfer transaction D01
800.100.173 Soft Invalid currency, not processed by authorization center D01
800.100.150 Soft Refund on gambling tx not allowed D01
800.100.169 Soft Card type is not processed by the authorization center D01
800.100.158 Soft Suspecting manipulation D01
000.200.000 Soft Transaction pending D01
100.500.201 Soft Payment type invalid D01
800.100.164 Soft Merchants limit exceeded D01
800.100.152 Soft Transaction declined by authorization system D01
800.100.157 Hard Wrong expiry date D02
800.100.162 Soft Limit exceeded D03
800.100.155 Soft Amount exceeds credit D03
800.100.160 Hard Card blocked D04
800.100.171 Hard Pick up card D04
100.100.101 Hard Invalid creditcard, bank account number or bank name D05
800.100.151 Hard Invalid card D05
100.100.100 Hard Request contains no creditcard, bank account number or bank name D05
800.100.172 Hard Account blocked D06
800.100.166 Soft Incorrect personal identification number D07
800.100.192 Soft Invalid CVV, amount is reserved on card for a few days D08
800.100.153 Soft Invalid CVV D08
800.110.100 Soft Duplicate transaction D09
800.100.165 Hard Card lost D10
800.100.159 Hard Stolen card D11
900.100.200 Soft Error response from connector/acquirer D12
900.100.201 Soft Serious error on gateway D12
800.800.810 Soft You are connecting from an unknown Server IP address. Please contact to your processor. D12
900.100.100 Soft Unexpected communication error with connector/acquirer D12
800.800.800 Soft Acquiring bank is currently not available. Please contact with your processor in case this error persists. D12
100.550.301 Soft Amount is too large D18
800.100.174 Soft Amount field should not be empty D18
700.100.200 Soft Non matching reference amount D18
100.550.303 Soft Amount format invalid (only two decimals allowed) D18
700.100.300 Soft Invalid amount (probably too large) D18
800.100.195 Soft UserAccount Number/ID unknown D20
800.100.190 Soft Invalid configuration data D20
700.300.700 Hard Referenced transaction can not be reversed (reversal not possible anymore) D22
700.300.300 Hard Referenced transaction can not be refunded, captured or reversed (already refunded,captured or reversed) D22
800.800.820 Hard Invalid HTTP authentication parameters (username or password wrong). Please contact to your processor. D27
900.200.100 Hard Message Sequence Number of Connector out of sync D27
800.100.196 Hard Registration error D27
800.400.110 Hard AVS Check Failed. Amount is reserved on card for a few days. D27
800.100.156 Hard Format error D27
800.100.191 Hard Transaction in wrong state on aquirer side D27
100.800.501 Hard Invalid country D27
800.100.163 Hard Maximum transaction frequency exceeded D27
800.100.167 Hard Referencing transaction does not match D27
200.100.101 Hard Invalid Request Message. No valid XML. XML must be url-encoded! maybe it contains a not encoded ampersand or something similar. D27
800.100.100 Hard For unknown reason D27
100.550.401 Hard Currency field is invalid D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
900.300.600 Hard User session timeout D27
100.900.500 Hard Invalid reccurence mode D27
800.400.100 Hard AVS Check Failed D27
900.100.202 Hard Invalid transaction flow, the requested function is not applicable for the referenced D27
800.100.170 Hard Transaction not permitted D27
100.700.801 Hard Identity contains no or invalid identification value D27
800.100.168 Soft Restricted card D29
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02
900.100.300 Soft No response from connector/acquirer [uncertain result] E02
900.100.600 Soft Connector/acquirer currently down E02
900.100.400 Soft Timeout at connectors/acquirer side E02
900.100.500 Soft Timeout at connectors/acquirer side (try later) E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
00 Good Authorized A01
05 Soft Authorization declined D01
99 Soft Error in PAC encryption detected D01
40 Soft Invalid function D01
92 Soft The card type is not processed by the authorization center D01
97 Soft Security breach – MAC check indicates error condition D01
57 Soft The referencing transaction (e.g. reversal request) was not carried out with the card which was used for the original transaction D01
21 Soft No action taken D01
98 Soft Date and time not plausible D01
81 Soft Message flow error D01
34 Soft Suspicion of manipulation D01
91 Soft Card Issuer temporarily not reachable D01
56 Hard Card not in authorizer’s database D05
14 Hard Invalid card number D05
77 Soft PIN entry necessary D07
55 Soft Incorrect PIN D07
94 Soft Data has been transmitted twice D09
43 Hard Stolen card, pick up D10
82 Soft Authorization center not available for 60 seconds D12
83 Soft Authorization center not available for 300 seconds D12
79 Hard Revocation of authorization order. D13
78 Hard Stop payment order D13
33 Hard Card expired D16
13 Soft Invalid amount D18
64 Soft The transaction amount of the referencing transaction differs from the transaction amount of the original transaction D18
75 Soft PIN entered incorrectly too often D21
96 Soft Processing temporarily not possible D26
30 Hard Invalid format D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
04 Hard Retain card D27
12 Hard Invalid transaction D27
62 Soft Restricted card D29
02 Soft Call AS call number D30
03 Soft Invalid merchant number D33
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message CSI Pay Code
0000 Good The transaction has been accepted. A01
4002 Soft Insufficient funds D01
4005 Soft Suspected fraud D01
4008 Soft 3DSecure authentication failed D01
4003 Soft Card refused by the bank network D01
4001 Soft Transaction refused by the bank network D01
4009 Soft Expired 3DSecure authentication D01
4004 Soft Aborted transaction D01
4002 Soft Insufficient funds D03
4012 Hard Card data invalid D05
4011 Soft Duplicated transaction D09
4006 Hard Card lost D10
4007 Hard Stolen Card D11
5001 Soft Exchange protocol failure D12
5004 Soft Time out, the answer will come from the notification URL D12
5002 Soft Bank network error D12
5003 Soft Undergoing maintenance D12
2007 Soft Invalid capture amount D18
2008 Soft Invalid refund amount D18
2004 Hard Reference transaction not found D22
2003 Hard Non refundable reference transaction D22
2005 Soft Not able to capture the reference authorization D26
2006 Hard Unfinished reference transaction D27
1002 Hard Invalid parameter X D27
6002 Hard Transaction declined D27
2009 Hard Authorization has expired D27
2001 Hard Alias not found D27
3001 Hard Account deactivated D27
1003 Hard HASH error D27
4010 Hard Invalid transaction D27
6003 Hard Cardholder already disputed a transaction D27
6001 Hard Transaction declined by merchant D27
3003 Hard Unauthorized transaction D27
2002 Hard Unsuccessful reference transaction D27
4013 Hard Transaction not allowed by bank network to this card holder D27
1000001 Hard Transaction Error D27
1001 Hard Parameter X missing D27
1005 Hard Unsupported protocol D27
6004 Hard Transaction declined by merchant’s rules D27
3002 Hard Unauthorized server IP address D27
E02 Soft Processing Network Unavailable E02