Provides access to the form related to merchant statistics. |
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Merchant Financial Statistics
Provides access to merchant financial statistics. Opens Form: Merchant Financial Statistics |
Provides access to the querying modules. |
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Provides access to database querying module. Opens Form: Database Querying Module |
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Provides access to log querying module. Opens Form: Log Querying Module |
Provides access to the list of branding profiles available within the system. Opens Form: Branding |
Provides access to the forms related to encryption and decryption keys. |
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Provides access to decryption keys management and creation options. Opens Form: Decryption Keys |
Provides access to user agreements list. Opens Form: User Agreements |
Provides access to the forms related to the jobs. |
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Send Message
Provides access to the form that allows sending messages to the message broker. Opens Form: Send Message |
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Manual Remittance Post Statements
Provides access to remittance post statements sending options. Opens Form: Manual Remittance Post Statements |
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Provides access to system tasks that can be executed on demand. |
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Job Object
Provides access to various job objects. |
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Job Messages
Provides access to various job messages. Opens Form: Job Messages |
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Camel Routes
Provides access to camel routes. Opens Form: Camel Routes |
Provides access to the forms related to transaction and system logs. |
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View Logs
Provides access to transaction logs list. Opens Form: Transaction Logs |
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View Log Online
Provides access to server log monitoring options. Opens Form: Server Log |
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Provides access to logs browser. Opens Form: Browse Logs |
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Provides access to logs analyzer. Opens Form: Analyze Logs |
Provides access to the forms related to file processing. |
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File Store
Provides access to the files that are being processed on the processor's side. Opens Form: File Store |
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FTP Gates
Provides access to the files that are being processed on the gateway side. Opens Form: FTP Gates |
Provides access to sanitization profiles available within the system. Opens Form: Sanitization Profile |
Provides access to reports modification options. Opens Form: Reporting |
Provides access to the list of providers available within the system. Opens Form: Provider |
Provides access to the forms related to resource codes. |
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Import Format
Provides access to code import format options. Opens Form: Import Format |
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Resource Codes
Provides access to the list of resource codes. Opens Form: Resource Code |
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Currency Sign
Provides access to the list of currency signs. Opens Form: Currency Sign |
Provides access to the forms containing various system information. |
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Provides access to the system information and various cache resetting options. Opens Form: System |
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Provides access to various system settings. Opens Form: Settings |
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Provides access to information about potential errors. Opens Form: Diagnostic |
Allows the user to change current perspective that he/she is working with. Opens Form: Portal |
Log Out
Allows to sign out of the system and terminate current session. |